Elena's Blog

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So we decided. After 25 years of active service rashili retire and live for fun. It was difficult to decide, but now it has more problems to deal with. We live on this island of Sakhalin in the far east of Russia, north of Japan. The business of advertising production company, servicing companies operating in the oil and gas offshore Sakhalin. We have two children and elderly parents who need care. The state pension so little hope and wait until I was 55 years and 65 years to her husband does not want to, so do yourself rental income. Since we are not very large queries, we hope that it will be enough for our lives. To stay and work with the business that need to do something and this is the big question. I know that many businesses face the problem that their children do not want to continue their work. Here we have the same thing, one son does not want the other can not continue our business.That leaves two options or business to sell or hire a director for management. I read in a network of both. Unfortunately, in Russia, the market is not well developed businesses and the chance is very small. On the other hand find a quality director for management as it is very difficult to buy a pig in a poke do not know what will happen.

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