Worried For My Son's Welbeing From Abusive Mother

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Posted (edited)


Why do I bother asking advice from dirty old men that like little girls? be proud and walk tall with your uneducated filipinas, people like me will only laugh at you. An educated middle class Filipina would not be seen dead with you guys and that's why so much judgments have been made. I have another account here from another IP address, and quiet a few member here know me personally.


Have fun old boys, sorry that you can't get your dicks up anymore.



一图胜千言 (" A picture is worth a thousand words")




That is a photograph of the late, great, Mandy Rice - Davies. 

Edited by Methersgate
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In this instance the OP himself called his gf an abusive mother and told a frightening story. This naturally got us all worried for the child and we weighed in with opinions and possible alternatives, although there was no easy or obvious solution.
:thumbsup:   Yes. 


I remind Tim HE wrote


I am supposed to visit them in January, but her anger towards me is very high. Recently she told me that she wants to get a guy to hang me and stab me with a sharp knife a million times until i stop breathing, then spit on my face. This all happend because i told her that I can't afford to buy her a 200k lot.

Some of what he wrote later don't suit to that...   :mocking:

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