Cnn "report"...

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"The absence of evidence is not evidence of its absence and the simple fact is; it is very hard to get deep enough into an underground criminal culture to find evidence of trafficking".

= ??

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"The absence of evidence is not evidence of its absence and the simple fact is; it is very hard to get deep enough into an underground criminal culture to find evidence of trafficking".

= ??

If there are solid forensic evidences and multiple witnesses to bring a case to court, the hoodlum in robes (judges)

will decide based on the highest bidder.  I love that last sentence: the judge dismissed the case.  


Jungle rules apply here.....and sometimes, one would personally seek retribution against the bad guy rather than

wait for the snail pace justice system.  Final decision can be appealed but the appellate court system is just as worse.  

Some of the judges have very deep pockets.  Formal supreme court chief justice was impeached last summer, speaks

volumes of integrity, honor, fair and balance -- NOT.  


Salvaging is the operative word here -- Jake

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i am bob

When I read this story, I spent quite a bit of the time laughing at the high school type reporting being carried out.  Was it just me?  Nope!  Read the comments below the story...   I think one of the best comments was the author of the story admitting that they had done a fairly poor job on this piece of so-called reporting.


I stopped in the Anchor Bar's 2nd and Canadian location here in Hamilton (yes, the creator of the Buffalo Wing) for a quick beer.  I saw one of the waitresses and asked the bartender (jokingly) if the girl was old enough to work there.  Bartender laughed and said she is really 28.  The waitress looked like she was about 13 years old.  I wonder if she was being forced to work there...  Will CNN pay me for an "Exposure" piece about forced under-age labour in Canada?



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Dave Hounddriver

Is this the same CNN report I watched today about the human trafficking and the Philippine resue association that has 70% of its expenditures supported by fraudulent receipts?  Corruption at its finest, rescuing money from Americans who have too much.

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