Trying To Find Someone

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My name is Jeff and am new to this forum.  I spent many years in the Philippines and believe it or not, with only one woman.  I was always on a "Trip" going somewhere in Islands, this was back in the early 80's.


To make a long story short, the lady I spent my time with did not speak much English but she understood it fine - except when it came time for me to come home.  I made all the arrangements that she would have to do and how to contact me "collect" in those days.  Remember this was before they all had sim cards and cell phones.  Anyway, I would always meet her in Olongapo usually before I even went to the place to have someone go tell her I was there.  I don't know how she knew I was coming because most of the time, I didn't know I was coming.  She was not a Bar Fly so that always confused me.


Anyway, I want to find her.  She could be in the states or still in PI.  Her home in PI was Infanta, Pangasinan and she went by the American name of Edna Muega Mila but her real name was Mercedes Muega Mila.


I'm sure I am posting in the wrong place but if someone could help me find the right place, I would be happy to repost there. (That's right, I'm a newbie to here).


Anyway, there is a reward of $500usd for anyone who can put us in touch with each other. First to post on here and send me an email gets the money.


Thanks for any assistance. 

Jeff Conz. USN

Edited by MikeB
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I moved your post from Introductions and removed the email address. You can be contacted via personal message (PM) by any member. New members are limited in sending PMs but can receive w/o restriction. 

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well, there have been a numberf of cases reported in the Philippines newspapers recently of children, now in their forties, trying to find their Filipina nanny and usually suceeding.


You have her name and her home town. There should be a record of her there. She is presumably Ilocana if she comes from Pangasinan and that is a help as the Ilocanos are above average clannish and inclined to keep in contact with their home town.


I would suggest Googling Infanta, Pangasinan, as a first step and advertising on their local wesbiste and/or newspaper - most towns in Northern Luzon have both.


the human interest in the story may get it picked up

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probably your best bet... Facebook is immensely popular...

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see if you can remember her parents' names and her date of birth

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Papa Carl

Hi, Welcome to the forum, any update on your search?



Papa Carl

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Hi Jeff, Welcome to the forum.


What was the last date or year that you met Edna in the Philippines or knew her location?

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