Looking To Make Friends...

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I have decided that Davos seems like a pretty good place and will be the first location I try out. If it fits I will stay, if not, I will move on.  Since I have read repeatedly in this forum that having a good Filipina woman is crucial to a long term positive experience I would like to “make some friends” before my move. Does anyone know of a good reputable website (dating or otherwise)? Or is there maybe another/better way to meet someone?

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frosty (chris)

I have decided that Davos seems like a pretty good place and will be the first location I try out. If it fits I will stay, if not, I will move on.  Since I have read repeatedly in this forum that having a good Filipina woman is crucial to a long term positive experience I would like to “make some friends” before my move. Does anyone know of a good reputable website (dating or otherwise)? Or is there maybe another/better way to meet someone?

This is just me but I would be more inclined to use FaceBook, if you can friend a few expats here you would be surprised the amount of available pretty filipina's that want to friend you, jmo.

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Wait. What?

Never thought of that. That's an excellent idea! Thanks.

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