Building Various Pueruli Traps for use in Lobster 'grow-out' Aquaculture

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A fascinating series of posts.  Many thanks for taking the time to share.  :smile:

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Video '3of3 Part-A' of my YouTube lobster 101 training video series if finally completed and is now uploaded for viewing. And as usual I hope viewers find it useful, informative and entertaining. Due to the volume of information contained in this third section of the video series, it is necessary to divided the content into two individual videos because the video would simply be too long. I have tried to keep these to around plus or minus 90 minutes in length, So section three consists of both a '3of3 Part-A' and a video '3or3 Part-B'' video, I have already started work on the voiveover for the upcoming '3of3 Part-B' video and should have it ready for upload onto my YouTube channel sometime before early March. This is of course dependent on the amount of artwork I may need create which can be quite time consuming.

   This Part-A video contains discussions on subjects pertaining to proper practices and technique used within the commercial lobster 'grow-out' aquaculture industry. Such as reliant facts and figures, proper husbandry fundamentals, feeding practices, water management, net and cage management and proper stock management. To include: topics relating to various types of aquacultural 'grow-out' setups, different net and cage types. and useful information helpful to successfully raise early stage Pueruli seedstock and Juvenile stock to healthy marketable (500gram) Sub-adults, (1,000gram) Adults and (1,500gram) Adult size individuals.

And please feel free to Subscribe, Like, Share or Comment if you feel so inclined.



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