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Had A Crazy Dream Part Two



Well..... finding a job in Taiwan was tough enough, and finding a second to compliment the first has been even tougher. I was ready to throw in the towel and go back to easier money in Korea, but that option isn't as easy as it used to be since it would take 4 months or so to fulfill all of their work visa requirements.

That leaves my parents offer they put on the table months ago: if we ever wanted to come back to Canada they would pay the tickets for all of us. That won't be necessary since my wife probably won't be able to get the right visa for around a year, but I think it's time I return, myself, and get my life in order there and work on bringing the family as well.

Our pigs are finally turning a profit as we speak, and it's too little too late. Not too late for them. Just too late for me. I gotta scramble again to cover all the interest on the debts we wracked up wrecklessly drinking the perennial kool-aid. My wife will stay there and make sure they keep doing well. But I must join the real world again.

Hopefully my parents and I can coordinate a ticket home - after a visit to the family - and I'll be in a colder climate again, with more options available work-wise.


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Sorry to hear that, but a man has to do what a man has to do, and I hope it works out to at least make you lots of money, so you can eventually be with your family. The best of luck my friend.

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Life is such a bitch sometimes. I will try to avoid too much cliche' here, but you're still young enough to recover and complete your family life once again. You have a million years ahead of you with that much opportunity to make things right. In your darkest hour when things get you down on your knees, well that's the best position anyway to pray your heart out. My offer still stands my friend -- you know how to get a hold of me.Respectfully -- Jake

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Lol.... Today is intense but at least I've had a little time to scramble my brains together a bit after talking to friends and family. I'm going to give Taiwan one more month. If I can find the part-time job I need to compliment my full-time work, then I'll probably stay. But, if a month from now I'm still stuck on one job, I'll go back to Canada, to the great prairies of Alberta and Saskatchewan, and hope the dice roll a bit better out there. One month. We'll survive. Then we'll see what happens by then. This will give me more time to plan it all out and look at different angles. <BR><BR>Thanks guys.

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