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Roofing Material Selection



Roofing Material Analysis

I saw my selected roofing material posted in a thread recently, which prompts me to share the selection and the associated process. Our design will not have a great deal of roof coverage, however, our most high ranking criteria is to ensure long term durability, low maintenance and lastly noise reducing and insulative values.

Our criteria for selection were cost, appearance, ease of installation and maintainability. Cost was one of the more complex to assess as we need to bear in mind how the selection impacts substructure design and cost, as well as long term maintainence costs in order to understand the complete "cost" for each material.

After much debate, the supplier we selected is Onduline. I think the best way to summarize our process is in a very basic pro's and con's for each of the three materials we compared.

NOTE: This is a delta comparison only, as individual location, installation fees, supplier relations and negotiation strength all play in to the actual costs, I did not list the "bottom peso" cost. I find that you can get quotes etc., here in the Philippines, but until the job is done, you cannot accurately state costs since we have that ever present concern over there being a "misunderstanding sir". As part of this blog, it is my intent to share the various costs of the selected materials in the final summary. As with any of my entries, I STRONGLY encourage each to research extensively each aspect of your project and make the decision that is right for you. This is not a sales pitch for our selected product as it may not be suitable for every application.

Plain corrugated metal roof panels

PRO's: Low cost, readily available, ease of installation, low cost of installation

CON's: High maintenance (need to paint before installation and in the future, vulcaseal sealer around screws), loud during rain (minor concern), no insulative value

Tile roof material

PRO's: Appearance more high end, maintenance low, insulative value higher (due to subsurface required), quieter in rain.

CON's: High cost, high cost of installation, additional materials required to support tile material, insulative value higher than metal, increases to structural component strength to support added weight.

Onduline fiberglass panels

PRO's: Cost slightly above metal panels, Installation cost same as metal panels, slight insulative advantage over metal, slight noise reduction over metal, low long term maintenance, apparent ease of installation

CON's: New material for workers to handle, learning curve should not be long, More expensive fasteners (screws and caps)

Onduline video:

So the pro/con list makes the decision pretty clear, for us, as even when I assigned costs to the cost related criteria, the Onduline panels came out only marginally higher than the metal panel option. I like the screw/screwcap installation method and would likely add some vulcaseal to the screw caps as an added measure of leak resistance over thermal expansion. Also, as I looked further into the various options, I was encouraged by the lack of propensity for the fiberglass material to acrue mold. Of course, the metal would be resistant as well, but require re-painting. The tiles, possibly not so resistant without regular maintenance.

We were not able to find a reliable source for developing cost comparison data for regular asphalt shingles. Our structural design will support this material as a selection and we intend on seeking a source and looking into this material to round out our comparison, when the project is underway.

An additional consideration for me was that I did not find the Onduline material until having made the decision to go with metal panels, so my roof support structure design worked with that material, and substituting the Onduline was a simple task without changes to much of the completed design.

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I saw the stuff at Citi Hardware and it looks promising. I wonder though how that stuff will wear. It looks like it tears easily. Do you know anyone else that has used it.

Good luck.

I see you didnt rate the local sheet metal tile look alike ..stuff that is readily available? I take that over the plain corrugated stuff.

I am looking for tile lookalike lightweight composite material or maybe even fabricating it myself.

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I agree, I also like the appearance of the sheet metal tile look alike. I expect that this analysis may be subject to a re-visit once we get started. I was not aware of Citi Hardware carrying the Onduline. They were just erecting the Citi Hardware in Carcar when we made our exit so I am looking forward to touring the place when we return and get started on the project. This particular topic remains one of the more open decisions we have made, since an all-encompassing comparison is best made with feet on the ground.

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I used asphalt shingles Ron and i love them. The cost was identical to the cost of the engineered tin, but with the addition of the underlay (either wood or hardiflex). I am really happy with my selection, its quiet, very good insulator and looks very nice, also very easy to install. Take a look at my place when you come over, i can give you ther contacts to the places that sell the shingles, there are a few different ones in Cebu.

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i am bob


I have a friend who has a fairly new Onduline roof in Germany. He told me that it is really good material but, if he used it again, he would run a bead of a rubberized compound across any of the contact points. It seems the sound from the heavy rain hitting it was travelling through into the framing and could be heard downstairs. I asked him how loud it was and he said not that bad but for the extra hour or two to do this, it would be well worth the extra effort.

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In my experience it's best to go with what others use, i was a builder before i came here so i wanted what i thought the best, so i bought concrete tiles, the trouble is the weight made the roof sag and they don't use under felt, jesus my roof leaked like a sieve,

I tried everything in desperation even silicon in the joints but in the end i had to admit defeat and strip the lot off, i replaced it with profile sheets, no leaks now and it's pretty quiet as it already had plywood and insulation from the tile installation, i won't make that mistake again as i look at the mountain of tile in my garden hehe.

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A half scientific/popular TV program tested different roof constructions with tiles and asphalt shingles mainly concerning hard wind resistance.

An almost flat angle was BAD because it made lift power as an aeroplane wing.

A higher angle was best pressing DOWN the roof making it stay IF the top material was connected good enough to not let the wind in to much under the top material. So needed both good fastening and cover the wholes in the bottom of tiles.

Asphalt shingles could be good at handling strong wind if fastened good, BUT they said in warm sunny places the SUN DESTROY such material much faster than tiles.

But that test only included them two materials..

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