Christmas Balikbayan Box Time Again.

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How many Forum members have a Christmas Balikbayan box started yet? FOr the first time in ten years ours is almost packed and will get there BEFORE Christmas! :D :)

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I usually send one or two balikbayan boxes every year to a non-profit group. This year, it's the "He Cares Foundation" by Bro. Joe Dean. He provides food, clothing, medical care and shelter for street children in Quezon City. The contents are a collection of items we would normally discard during the year like old clothes, kitchen utensils, etc. Prior to Halloween, the prices for bulk candies and chocolates drop. Walmart is a good place to shop for treats to fill any empty spaces in the boxes. I also buy Crayons (Made in USA) and drawing pads on sale during the start of the school year. I pay 50 cents for a 24 pieces pack on sale at Walmart. The drawing pads are from recycled newsprint paper and slightly gray. In Honolulu, the shipping company charges $5.00 for the box and $50.00 for delivery to a Metro Manila location. The box is physically delivered to my office in Waikiki and the pick-up date is arranged once the box is filled. I receive the confirmation a few months later by mail. They take a picture of the box and whoever signed for it on the Manila end. JJR

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We're sending ours out on Friday. Two boxes for Christmas and one box about mid year. The cut off times vary from shipper to shipper so it's always best to contact them ahead of time.

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i go back to aust on 28th oct,,,to melbourne,,,,i want to send a couple of balikbayan boxes,,,,does anyone have contact that i can use ex melbourne,,or geelong is better,,,and what will the cost be,,,thanks

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i go back to aust on 28th oct,,,to melbourne,,,,i want to send a couple of balikbayan boxes,,,,does anyone have contact that i can use ex melbourne,,or geelong is better,,,and what will the cost be,,,thanks
These will have an agent in Melbourne, send them an Email to inquire. They even answer unlike so many other business.
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we have sent two boxes last month and I have one more to go next weekmainly have goods for the house that you cannot buy over thereWe use Forex $150 for a large box at least you can track the boxes from when they leave the house till they get to CebuPlus Forex do have specials at different times of the year We have had no trouble with them some of the others we have had problems with no one knowing where the box is after two months

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Bossman and Brabbo you bring up a good point. It's not just what the shipper may charge but their reputation both local and in Philippines. Over the years we have found Forex to be by far the best. My "activity" director said our box will ship just after holloween in order to load up on cheap candy.

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Dave Hounddriver

Just a thought for those wondering what to put in their gift box. Few people here have decent ballpoint pens. I don't mean expensive, just pens made for 1st world school kids would be a great space filler. Don't forget can openers. A cheap 1st world can opener is better than an expensive model here, although most local families are so good with a knife they may not use a can opener if they have one. Manicure sets go over well for the girls and basketball shoes or shirts (with a famous player's name on them) go over great with boys. As mentioned, candy is dandy.

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Mr Lee

A suggestion for you guys shipping foods and candies, you might wish to put them into something like Tupperware type containers, or old Fiber containers if they are out of the original sealed packs, that is what we will use for loose items now post-40-0-03722000-1318508982_thumb.jpg since their are tons of rats in the warehouses in the Philippines and probably worse now because of all the rains, so one ate its way into our box this past year when the wife shipped packs or Ramen noodles for me to eat while out in the provinces and did not put them into a Tupperware container. I guess they smelled it and ate right through the box and a blanket to get to the noodles, and then to make it worse, someone killed the rat because there was dried blood all around the hole in the box. :kidding: In the US they have dollar stores that sell fake Tupperware and I am sure the family can use those too, and we have been shipping used fiber containers filled with stuff for years because the family find good uses for those too, I just wish the soup would have fit into one. I know they wrap the boxes in clear wrap but it seems rats can smell the food anyway.

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