Stars And Stripes Article About Tricare In The Philippines

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I too found the Stars & Stripes article on my Yahoo Group of retired military forum, that's where this article originated! There seems to be only a hand full of military retirees on this forum, but at least it goes to show what the hassles are for military retirees in the Philippines attaining adequate health care involves, slight to none at all due to a U.S. Government management system gone to sh&t run by inept Government civilian employees! That's the reason for the "TRICARE Wall of Shame" being on FACEBOOK where numerous disgruntle military retirees can voice their dissatisfaction in how they have been mistreated overseas with all the government red tape concerning medical health care issues! Quite a few retirees just opted out and waited to die on their death beds just to avoid their family from going into debt! The moderator and others from the Yahoo Group of retired military families has been fighting for their benefits for the past 7 years and now their cause is getting attention in the media as well in Congress! If one doesn't fight for their rights, nothing will happen or change for the better! I just hope this TRICARE fiasco overseas will improve soon in servicing the thousands of military retired members and their families overseas like those in the U.S.! That's still a big if, but I hope it improves in my lifetime!

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