Tourist Visa To Australia From Cebu

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Does anyone know whether it is possible for a Fillipina, living in Cebu, to be able to apply for a tourist visa to Australia, to be able to apply for the Visa in Cebu?? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.

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Does anyone know whether it is possible for a Fillipina, living in Cebu, to be able to apply for a tourist visa to Australia, to be able to apply for the Visa in Cebu?? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.
HiYou can apply for a tourist visa from the Australian bureau of immigration on line but having said that the chances are almost zero to be approved.I tried this with a girlfriend living in Cebu once and was knocked back,what they want is proof that the person applying has an income, a job to return too,money in the bank to support her self,ownership of property or a business, a list of her relatives not traveling with her.She will need to prove that she has reasons to return to the Philippines.If she has family living in Australia there are other sponsored visa's she could apply for which would require someone to pay a large bond on her behalf.Hope this helps :)
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Everybody who is not Australian citizen or resident needs a visa, some countries (like US, Canada, UK, etc) can use the easier procedure.Other countries citizen need more proof. like RP citizens.Having said that, a RP citizen who also has a US green card or is a permanent resident of Canada or UK would get a visa in over 90 % of the time, but if the person is still a RP resident a lot more proof is necessary.My wife got her Canadian tourist visa denied but once married she got approval for permanent residency.Google for "Manila Australian embassy" and check out their web site. All is there. Good luck..

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