Why Is It That Filipinos Seem To Be So Pro Obama

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Mr Lee

Why is it that Filipinos seem to be so pro Obama. , There are shirts and hats in just about every store we go to and I see people wearing them all around......... I have been told by many that they think that Obama is going to fix everything and while I do not wish this to get into a political discussion, I am wondering why Filipinos seem to be so enchanted by a man who is not even close to being a Filipino in any way except possible the darker skin.If Filipinos really think White is beautiful, why put Obama on a pedestal?

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The previous US administration, right or wrong, is thought to be the cause of many of the world's current problems. After 8 years of the Bush/Cheney administration, the world was hungry for regime change in the US. Anyone would have been received enthusiastically. Obama's skill as a speaker simply increases the fervor.

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Why Is It That Filipinos Seem To Be So Pro Obama? The media have a big influence on the masses. Also, people will wear T-shirts without knowing or caring what the message is. For example, a relative was wearing a shirt with the image of Mao Tse Tung (founder of communist China) and they didn't know who it was. Similarly I've seen people wearing Che Guevara shirts and I doubt they know who he was.

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Mike S

Damn ..... I'm gonna have a bunch of Tee's printed up with my ugly mug on them ...... especially if no one knows why they are wearing them ....... hahahahaha .....

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I think some Filipinos see something of themselves in him after all President Obama

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