Acr & Acr I Cards ......

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Mike S

Some people wonder what it takes to get a ACR ( Alien Certificates of Registration) card sense you pay for it several times before you 18 month tourest visa expires ....... yes you pay for it but don't receive it ...... here is some information I got from another site that may shed some light into this allusive card ....... hope it will be helpful to those that need it ....... To get a resident visa, in most cases, you go one of two routes:Get married to a filipina, and you qualify for a 13a Resident Visa. This is the visa that gets you a the ACR card. Once a 13a Visa is issued, you also apply for your ACR at the same time.Here is what you now need to get the 13a Resident Visa: (The requirements are much less than they used to be)Required Documents:1. Letter of Application: Duly notorized and written by the Filipina spouse. The letter is a request by my spouse for her husbands

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Mr Lee
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the info Mike, :crack-up: sure does look like they take advantage of us considering the fees they charge are even more than the USA charges resident aliens to get their green cards........ Wow $1400 and $10 a year, what a rip off. I sure am glad I don't need one of those yet because of the Balikbayan Visa Privilege we get upon our entries which allows us to stay a year at a time without other visas, and all that is covered in another thread if anyone is interested in knowing about that. Too many hoops for me to jump through, so I think I will just keep doing it the way we do it unless they change the laws and I sure do hope they wake up and make it easier down the road.

Edited by Mr. Lee
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