Trying To Fit A Square Peg Into A Round Hole....... Bigger Hammer?

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They did it to me again! If you have been reading for a while, you may remember that my charity represents another charity that offers a 10,000p business start up loan for 24 months at 0% interest. Free to apply, no hidden fees. Sounds simple.... right?


So here I am on Samar. Looking for qualified families who may want to 'avail' of this program as a stepping stone to a small business. I thought... well, how about the catholic church! The priests must know church members who are not drunks or lazy and who may be helped by the small loan.


Well, unless the priests 'get theirs' they will not help. Shocked? Me too! Who ever would have thought... Maybe I should put a call into the Pope?


Anyway, if you remember my post of yesterday showing the floor falling in that shack of a house, The family that lives there is 6 kids and a retired GRO mom and a poor poor poor broken shell of a man who is (mostly, well maybe) the father of the kids and the husband of a woman who stil remembers making 'good money' as a GRO in past years and is having trouble accepting the fact she is over 30 and not 'prime goods' anymore and as such... no income. Yelling everyday at her husband to get MORE MONEY! From working the high end places making good money at 16 yrs old back in the early 1990's, to the smaller but still popular girly bars and down the drain to her current position in a small low income city here in a beer place with loud music and blown speakers and old disco balls, and lucky to make 200P+ a night chatting up local drunk fishermen and businessmen. Think former executive now working at McDonalds.....


The father works digging out rain ditches for the city at 3,000p a month and part time tricycle driver.

I approached both the mother and father SEPARATELY with a proposal for the 10,000p loan. I explained that a small simple business plan was needed and the proposed business had to be workable for them. No real limits as long as it is a legit business and not some capital for making drugs.....     


1st.... the mom.... INSTANT eye contact once I made mention of a 10,000p loan. The gears were turning on how to separate the Kano and his 10,000p. She wants to open a sari sari store from her house... which is off the path in the hills.... OR, she wants to open a bar, OR she wants to buy things for resale, OR she wants to sell tubing, OR.... and I stopped her there. After each suggestion she made she searched my eyes for a sign that she was on the right track. She is predatory. Not an ounce of common sence or compassion for anyone but her. She may be over 30, but she was a CLOSER as far as GROs go. She could run a GRO school for cherry girls on how to manipulate men.... But what she had not counted on was my years of working in OB/GYN and with sex workers. I have been vaccinated years ago against pretty manipulative women. I told her to think more about her plan and get back to me.


Now, the dad.... I caught up with him at his mother's house. I explaind the loan to him. He asked if he could use it for his own tricycle. I agreed and then he said he would search for an old cheap one.

I explained that old and cheap is not maybe the best one to buy and I tried to push him a bit into a new or newer one as it should be more reliable. Raise his thinking... increase his potential earnings...

You guys know... the Kano Folly type of thinking.


Then I asked about his experience with motorcycles. Yes, he can drive one. I suggested looking into buying a used cyclecab. He countered with 'I have an expired license' I shot back that it was not a big issue! More talk revealed that it was not a driver license but a student permit that expired. Again, I said no problem that he should look into what it takes to get the correct license for a cycle cab. How we may be able to finance a used one and they would give him a greater range and income possibilities.


We talked about it for a while and when all was said and done....... he agreed to go look for a cheap old tricycle! And I thought I was winning the whole time...... :hystery:



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Call me bubba

Well, unless the priests 'get theirs' they will not help.


you mean, correct me if i am wrong, they want "$$" to refer someone , ?  :89:

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Well, unless the priests 'get theirs' they will not help.


you mean, correct me if i am wrong, they want "$$" to refer someone , ?  :89:

No out stretched hand but some Waray spoken with Pam and we left and she said no help unless we pay them. Left a cell number for them to call. 3 days now no call..... I can take a hint.

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