What's The Process To Marry A Filipina W/o A Im.attourney?

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whats the process to marry a filipina w/o a immigration attourney is that much harder then w/ one?

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Don't waste your money on an immigration attorney. I assume you want to marry a Filipina and bring her back to your country? There is plenty of information on the internet so you can do it yourself. These guys can help: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MAG-ANAK/messages

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whats the process to marry a filipina w/o a immigration attourney is that much harder then w/ one?
M. Morey gave me the same advice when I was getting married and looking at how to handle the immigration paperwork. I followed his advice and things worked out just fine for my wife and I. We're still waiting for her visa, but it'll happen in due time and we saved a LOT of money.The yahoo group already provided helped me with some of my question. If you are applying for a US visa, take a look at http://www.visajourney.com. There is a lot of good info there.
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  • 3 months later...

my wife and i also did our own paperwork,it is very easy,dont watse your money,we married in the phils

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Suppose I don't want to marry a Pinay... maybe just an extended lease would work for me....? SugarwareZ-011.gif

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Mr Lee
Suppose I don't want to marry a Pinay... maybe just an extended lease would work for me....? SugarwareZ-011.gif
I assure you that you would not be the first, many guys that I have met in the Philippines just live with their ladies, now is that fair to the lady, only the ladies can decide.
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Suppose I don't want to marry a Pinay... maybe just an extended lease would work for me....? SugarwareZ-011.gif
I assure you that you would not be the first, many guys that I have met in the Philippines just live with their ladies, now is that fair to the lady, only the ladies can decide.
Well, I am of the opinion that he who lives longest wins.... is really not winning at all. What you get in 'the end' is not as important as the journey to 'the end'. While marriage might seem like the big prize, it may not be all that great in many situations.Speaking for myself, I am not rich by any means. But I have a cash flow and the means to plan ahead. When I travel to the land of the Pinay, I not only pay my own way, but those of the people that help me with my goals in the Philippines. I stay in nice hotels and eat in nice restaurants. Travel a bit and spend some money. I do not 'camp out'. Now, a diet of fish heads / rice and the like will certainly keep you alive. But it is not for me. I like my air con and my hot showers. So, life with this Kano ain't so bad. You could do a lot worse.... I also have provided some small business opportunities that may add to the family income for years to come, provided they apply themselves. Success or failure is up to them. I refuse to support people, but I have no problems making opportunities available to them to help themselves. Which brings us back to the part about what is 'fair' to the Pinay. If your goal is to be married, then perhaps I am not the Kano you want. However, if your goal is to live better than you would be able to on your own, benifit from the relationship in material ways that may have long lasting positive effects, then perhaps 'my way' might work. Keep in mind that I am not a sex tourist. Not looking for quanity, but for quality. You get out what you put in + some...... Marriage? No. Not interested. But I think that what I have to offer is far more than fair. Hopefully, there are far more expats / tourists like me than the drunken -take advantage of the local population selfish take all you can kind of people that may travel to the Philippines. Now, I think I am going to take my inbred Kano arrogance / superiority attitude and get my fat a** something to eat! SugarwareZ-011.gif
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