Why So Many Double Words In The Philippines?

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One day I was thinking about all of the double words I have heard and read in the Philippines, there are thousands of them from names of people, places and things, and there are even double verbs. And, then I thought about my previous life in the USA and I couldn't think of one double word there, so why are there so many in the Philippines?


There's kind of a joke between some of the foreigners in Carcar City where I live that when the city was named someone had 2 cars so the city was named Carcar.  Wouldn't Car City work just as well? I guess the next city will be named Busbus because there's so many buses.


My wife's nickname is Lyn-lyn but she is often called just Lyn by family and friends. I have never called her Lyn and I never will. I call people by their real name that they were given at birth especially when there nickname is something bad like my wife's sister's nickname which means no hair. Her hair was burnt off when she was a baby. She don't need anyone reminding her about it, she lives with it ever day. A stupid Aunt gave her that nickname.


And, a 21 year old living with my wife and me has a nickname which is how people call pigs, its din-din. She hates her nickname and wishes no one knew it. She asked me to call her Gina. Gina is not her real name but its better than calling her like she's a pig.


If anyone knows why there's thousands of double words in the Philippines please share it here.



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good question

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DenDen is a popular nick name. I have also seen it in political posters for the election as a nick name for the guy running. I do not have a nick name (that His Jollyness would allow in print) which some people in the Philippines have a hard time believing. I have been asked a few times what my nick name was and when I say Bruce... they look at me funny.


As for calling pigs.......... 50 years ago when I was a kid, my father, a well respected local attorney, used to call me and my brothers to dinner by yelling (not joking here)


Woo sooie pig pig pig.... a few times.


For the proper effect, go to youetube.com and search hog calling or pig calls. As a matter of trivia, the 'signature yell' of Tarzan in the old movies was a combination of several people yelling at the same time and a few were professional 'hog callers'..... Yes, sadly, in rural America there are 'hog calling' contests at the local county fair every year...... Not to be confused with the catching a greased piglet contest...... (Insert Jake jokes HERE)

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