Manilas White Elephant

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"Mali is just one elephant and sending her to Thailand would be embarrassing. It means we are not capable of taking care of one animal," Mr Estrada told AFP.


Well from the above statement it appears true, not capable of caring for one animal. Nothing in the story says what they plan to do.




Manila mayor rejects elephant transfer


MANILA - The mayor of the Philippine's capital on Thursday rejected calls by animal rights campaigners to transfer the country's sole elephant from Manila's rundown zoo to a Thai sanctuary.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) has been leading a campaign for nearly a decade to have Sri Lankan-born Mali moved from the zoo, insisting the 39-year-old elephant is lonely and being poorly treated.
However the recently elected mayor of Manila, former Philippine president and movie star Joseph Estrada, said transferring Mali would be a humiliation for the country.
"Mali is just one elephant and sending her to Thailand would be embarrassing. It means we are not capable of taking care of one animal," Mr Estrada told AFP.
Mali is the star attraction at the 54-year-old zoo, but PETA says she is suffering in a small, concrete enclosure and without any other elephants for company.
Peta want her moved to a sanctuary in Thailand. Its campaign has attracted the support of the country's powerful Catholic bishops association, as well as international celebrities such as British pop star Morrissey.
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Dave Hounddriver
It means we are not capable of taking care of one animal," Mr Estrada told AFP.


Finally, the truth from a politician

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Mike S
Joseph Estrada, said transferring Mali would be a humiliation for the country.


There you have it folks ...... another fine example of how loosing face will be protected above all other things ..... even if it means loosing the life of another wild creature ..... just like the worlds largest crocodile ..... anyone remember him .... couldn't take care of him either .... oh well just another dumb animal and loosing face is just so much more important .... let the sucker die ...... JMHO


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Dave Hounddriver


Joseph Estrada, said transferring Mali would be a humiliation for the country.


There you have it folks ...... another fine example of how loosing face will be protected above all other things ..... even if it means loosing the life of another wild creature ..... just like the worlds largest crocodile ..... anyone remember him .... couldn't take care of him either .... oh well just another dumb animal and loosing face is just so much more important .... let the sucker die ...... JMHO



Ahhh yes, like that crocodile that they could not keep in captivity for long before they 'let the sucker die'.  Its the Philippine way.  Can't feed and take care of all the people and animals are even lower on the ladder.

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If they are talking about sending the elephant to the Elephant Nature Park in Northern Thailand, then it is a good choice. We visited the park a few years ago. Excellent experience. After being up close and personal with the elephants in the park, we now feel sad about ones kept in small areas. Elephants are social creatures.








We would highly recommend people visit this place. I Took 462 photos that day!

They are a non profit rescue organization.

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You mean PETA is in the Philippines? What do they have to say about culturally appropriate practices like roosters killing each other with razor blades? Maybe they should invite a PETA representative to a Sunday cockfighting area and allow him 10 minutes to lecture on the evils of this national sport. I think it would be more fun than watching a cockfight to see what happens next to the PETA representative.

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What do they have to say about culturally appropriate practices like roosters killing each other with razor blades?


Good point but to quote George Orwell, "some animals are more equal then others". Elephants are at the top of the list.

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Mike S

I just had a scary thought ..... how would they send the poor beast to Thailand .... it's to far for him to swim ..... they don't have a "bangka" boat big enough to take him and flying is out of the question because it would cost to much ..... so I guess when he dies we will find out the true meaning of the quote "how do you eat an elephant ..... one bite at a time" .....  :mocking:  :mocking: 


Sorry to make light of such a serious situation but we all know they aren't going to do a damn thing about it .... until the poor old pachyderm dies ..... then they will do an autopsy and determine that it definitely wasn't their fault because god called him home .... or something along those lines .....  :mocking: .... JMHO


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You mean PETA is in the Philippines? What do they have to say about culturally appropriate practices like roosters killing each other with razor blades? Maybe they should invite a PETA representative to a Sunday cockfighting area and allow him 10 minutes to lecture on the evils of this national sport. I think it would be more fun than watching a cockfight to see what happens next to the PETA representative.


In the Philippines PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals.


While I was living in San Fernando, La Union I saw a medium sized dog being roasted over a wood fire on the side of the street by a couple of teenagers. The dog was whole and had not even been gutted.

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