Why Marry A Filipina?

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The other day my wife packed my lunch for me. When I opened my lunchbox there was the usual sandwich, an apple and an orange. The orange had been peeled!!. Need I say more?

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You could have stopped at 'my wife packed my lunch' and been ahead of the game.

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The other day my wife packed my lunch for me. When I opened my lunchbox there was the usual sandwich, an apple and an orange. The orange had been peeled!!. Need I say more?
Now thats Love SugarwareZ-225.gif
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Mr Lee

Peeling an orange is good, but I prefer having my banana peeled. :thumbsup: :welcome:

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Peeling an orange is good, but I prefer having my banana peeled. :wt-hell: :yes:
Sounds painful.
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:AddEmoticons04230: love is in the air....

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Because a only a good Filipino woman could have tolerated my over pompous, over-opinionated, over-obsessive, over-aggressive, over-possessive, over-weight a** for the last 23 years. Thank God love is blind...........hehehe

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Mr Lee

This is an age old subject but worth repeating for those who are not yet married to a great lady from the Philippines.Well if you get a good lady like I did, you wake up next to the same exact lady you went to sleep with the night before. No spackled up face, same happy smile and the same loving lady that just crawls up next to you and you feel like she is almost inside you. :AddEmoticons04230: Always happy, never sad and gloomy, smiles all the time and always makes the best of what life throws at her and me. Puts up with my crazy self and smiles while doing it, hey maybe she is laughing at me. lolLife is good when you find the right lady and I sure hope the singles guys out there get as lucky as I feel that I am. :gday:

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This is an age old subject but worth repeating for those who are not yet married to a great lady from the Philippines.Well if you get a good lady like I did, you wake up next to the same exact lady you went to sleep with the night before. No spackled up face, same happy smile and the same loving lady that just crawls up next to you and you feel like she is almost inside you. :AddEmoticons04230: Always happy, never sad and gloomy, smiles all the time and always makes the best of what life throws at her and me. Puts up with my crazy self and smiles while doing it, hey maybe she is laughing at me. lolLife is good when you find the right lady and I sure hope the singles guys out there get as lucky as I feel that I am. :gday:
Yeah Lee, that and a lot of Valium makes your wife tolerate you very well. SugarwareZ-011.gif A woman of 'lesser strength' would have had you killed years ago. SugarwareZ-007.gif Yup, she has got my vote for sainthood......
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