Civil Disobedience Vs Arroyo May Snowball After Cory Burial

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Mr Lee

I wonder if Cory's death will be the straw that breaks the camels back and cause people to compare her presidency and that of the current president? I sure hope no one gets hurt and that things do not get out of hand because I am sure that will mean martial law and do not know what that would mean for expats? Would they throw us out of the country or make our life miserable if they end up with a new president who is one of those senators who keeps making nasty remarks about Kanos? Filipino

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I wonder if Cory's death will be the straw that breaks the camels back and cause people to compare her presidency and that of the current president? I sure hope no one gets hurt and that things do not get out of hand because I am sure that will mean martial law and do not know what that would mean for expats? Would they throw us out of the country or make our life miserable if they end up with a new president who is one of those senators who keeps making nasty remarks about Kanos?
Its been my opinion for a while now that the Philippines is headed towards failed state status. In my opinion, martial law will be a step on that journey. There are already few enough protections for foreigners in the Philippines. If martial law or anarchy comes, getting deported will be the best case scenario.
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