Living Antipolo Area vs Sta Rosa Laguna Area

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We are preparing our move back to the RP in April 2020 after finding suitable therapy provider for our moderately autistic 4 yr old son.  It's why we initially settled in WA state vice moving to RP last yr when I retired and he's made great advances.  Main issue for him is speech/communication, but testing very high on intelligence, etc.  Decent level Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), a real game changer for kids on the spectrum, is available in the broader NCR region so that we don't have (Nor want) to live In the main metro Manila. Right now we are considering the greater Sta Rosa/San Pedro, Laguna (ABA in San Pedro) or Antipolo (ABA in TayTay).  We'll also have two nieces with us for better schooling and change at better life long run, noting LaSalle at least in Laguna for better schooling, But we like the Antipolo area better for ease of travel to ABA site and cooler, plus am told Sta Rosa has become as bad as Manila for traffic and grid lock. So, I know some forum members here live in/near either place....we are asking for some insight on your particular area of those two, plus 3+BR housing  rental costs (furnished) in safe or even gated area perhaps, traffic issues, etc or give some recommendations either location??  Thank you in advance for any input.  Regards, James C.
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Hi James,  We have been living in Sta Rosa since early 2016.  Rented for the first 16 months until we built our home.  Yes traffic can be bad but that is usually morning and evening rush hours.  Also November and December.   But in our travels it seems no worse than anywhere else unless you live on one of the small islands with no large city.  Traffic in the Philippines is just something you need to adjust to.  Our subdivision is just minutes from the SLEX and we can be in Alabang within 20 min or the airport 35 minutes with light traffic.  Rents here are all over the place depending what you are looking for.  Furnished small 3 bedroom in secure subdivision can be as low as p15,000. I have seen as high as p65,000.  Remember like many things you get what you pay for.  My advise is if you have school children, try to find a housing you are comfortable with near the school.  This will save you and them a lot of travel time and headache.  The new highway, Calex, should be complete within the next year which runs by Del La Salle and should help with traffic.  Right now with the construction it can be a nightmare.  Overall I like Sta Rosa area and has a lot to offer.  As others have said it takes a while being in a place to fully understand if you will truly like it.  Could take a year or so.  Good luck.  :tiphat:

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23 hours ago, intrepid said:

Hi James,  We have been living in Sta Rosa since early 2016.  Rented for the first 16 months until we built our home.  Yes traffic can be bad but that is usually morning and evening rush hours.  Also November and December.   But in our travels it seems no worse than anywhere else unless you live on one of the small islands with no large city.  Traffic in the Philippines is just something you need to adjust to.  Our subdivision is just minutes from the SLEX and we can be in Alabang within 20 min or the airport 35 minutes with light traffic.  Rents here are all over the place depending what you are looking for.  Furnished small 3 bedroom in secure subdivision can be as low as p15,000. I have seen as high as p65,000.  Remember like many things you get what you pay for.  My advise is if you have school children, try to find a housing you are comfortable with near the school.  This will save you and them a lot of travel time and headache.  The new highway, Calex, should be complete within the next year which runs by Del La Salle and should help with traffic.  Right now with the construction it can be a nightmare.  Overall I like Sta Rosa area and has a lot to offer.  As others have said it takes a while being in a place to fully understand if you will truly like it.  Could take a year or so.  Good luck.  :tiphat:

Thank you so much Intrepid!  I appreciate the info and know as many say, gotta get boots on the ground.  Last time Living (and working) there was 90’s, although have visited more than I can count in this century; so, no real feel for living there now.  We will spend significant time in both areas of interest to see and feel the area, experience the rush hours, etc. Our budget is flexible and want to enjoy where we live house wise, since we are not going to be able to live the true beach/coastal dream once envisioned.  Have seen some nice large, nice looking places down that way on line that appeal to us.  On that note, I see other threads on here for negotiating Actual rent or sale vs listing price...thought seems be at Least 10-12% under or more.  Does that still apply for Your area? I guess it’s all relative to time on market and other factors, but wondering how you worked your prior rental deal?   I’ll seek out Scott H. as well, since he’s north of you and closer to LaSalle.  Thanks again for the great info.  I’m ready to go!  JC

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