Dvd pic query

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I'm a bit outdated here I'm sure but am looking for a bit of software to accomplish the following.

I have a lot of dvds with travel pics dating back over 20 years. I would like to go through pics, pick the ones that I like, and burn them on one or two dvds. (not sure if DVD burners are still around)

The idea is like making a collection of greatest travel hits on a dvd.

Is there software out there that will do this? PCs fail , the "Cloud" can be shut down while dvds can last a long time.

Is there a better way to do this ? Thanks in advance.


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2 hours ago, Lee said:

I'm a bit outdated here I'm sure but am looking for a bit of software to accomplish the following.

I have a lot of dvds with travel pics dating back over 20 years. I would like to go through pics, pick the ones that I like, and burn them on one or two dvds. (not sure if DVD burners are still around)

The idea is like making a collection of greatest travel hits on a dvd.

Is there software out there that will do this? PCs fail , the "Cloud" can be shut down while dvds can last a long time.

Is there a better way to do this ? Thanks in advance.


I don’t know if it’s a better way or not, but what about loading them onto a separate (secure) hard drive or a flash drive? 

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12 hours ago, Lee said:

I'm a bit outdated here I'm sure but am looking for a bit of software to accomplish the following.

I have a lot of dvds with travel pics dating back over 20 years. I would like to go through pics, pick the ones that I like, and burn them on one or two dvds. (not sure if DVD burners are still around)

The idea is like making a collection of greatest travel hits on a dvd.

Is there software out there that will do this? PCs fail , the "Cloud" can be shut down while dvds can last a long time.

Is there a better way to do this ? Thanks in advance.


As Gator said, you could just copy them to a thumb drive or external HDD or SSD but same as cloud services, they don't last forever but you can probably fit them all on a single HDD they're so large now. 

As for DVD drives still being around, yep, they're widely available online.  As for the software, from memory it's just a simple matter of organising the photos you want into folders on your PC and then "copy/paste" the folders onto the DVD.  But it you want something a little more advanced there's free and premium software available and here's an example list here:


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hk blues
18 hours ago, Lee said:

I'm a bit outdated here I'm sure but am looking for a bit of software to accomplish the following.

I have a lot of dvds with travel pics dating back over 20 years. I would like to go through pics, pick the ones that I like, and burn them on one or two dvds. (not sure if DVD burners are still around)

The idea is like making a collection of greatest travel hits on a dvd.

Is there software out there that will do this? PCs fail , the "Cloud" can be shut down while dvds can last a long time.

Is there a better way to do this ? Thanks in advance.


I use the belt and braces method.

I have all my pics on google phots.  I also have a copy on my PC and 2 flash drives.  I'd need to be very, very unlucky for all 4 to fail. 



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On 6/6/2024 at 8:18 PM, Gator said:

I don’t know if it’s a better way or not, but what about loading them onto a separate (secure) hard drive or a flash drive? 

I think there are two considerations in his questions.  Security, and organization.

Before I left the U.S., I took all my travel video tapes to a shop that converts to DVD.  I have no idea how long the DVDs will last, but that is going to have dependencies on how you store them.  I have since copied all the files to hard drives for extra security.

For making a nice highlight DVD, the softwares like Brett suggested help a lot.  Add text, music, etc.

For me, the biggest challenge is digital organization of thousands and thousands of photos and videos.  I even started a project to scan all my old photos starting back in the 70s.  Very slow going and tedious.  My sister scanned family photos and slides back to 1900!  My dad was an avid photographer and had his own lab in the garage.  This is 1957, me at about 1, with my sister Mary.

1957 Mary K, Don.jpg

This is some of my mom's family, early 1900s.

Sergeant Stallions Cropped.jpg

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If you download the free program VLC it will do pretty much anything but you have to learn the program, you can upload a lot to Gmail and Hotmail, Google Drive and  One Drive, if you create extra accounts you will increase your storage capacity.




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