Anyone See The Movie 2012?

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Mr Lee

My wife and I watched it and it was just so so but kind of makes you think. Neat special effects. 2012 the movie

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Well I plan to, sometime in 2013. :th_exactly:

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I saw it and it is far fetched but at the same time makes some sense. I hope none of the predictions come true. From what I understand it will screw up radio waves more than anything else, then there might be some civil unrest if it goes on for too long and people can no longer watch TV or listen to the radio to know what is happening. People should not take the movie too serious or else it could cause problems.

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Over the top hollywood crap.What a waste of money and my time.Still...I have my stash of food, ammo, fuel, water and a generator.I'm not paranoid, I "know" they are after me...

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Mr Lee
Over the top hollywood crap.What a waste of money and my time.Still...I have my stash of food, ammo, fuel, water and a generator.I'm not paranoid, I "know" they are after me...
I never feel it is a bad thing to be prepared for the worst and to hope for the best and that is just the smart thing to do IMO and not paranoid at all. :541:
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It seemed like every disaster movie made rolled up into one. I liked the plane flying through the falling buildings gag.

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Mr Lee
It seemed like every disaster movie made rolled up into one. I liked the plane flying through the falling buildings gag.
There were definitely some neat special effects in the movie and the sad part is that from what I have seen on TV of what happened it Haiti, it seems like the movie came true for those poor people. So much damage and destruction in Haiti and so many catastrophes world wide lately that one has to think about are parts of this movie coming true slowly but surely and what will be next.
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It seemed like every disaster movie made rolled up into one. I liked the plane flying through the falling buildings gag.
There were definitely some neat special effects in the movie and the sad part is that from what I have seen on TV of what happened it Haiti, it seems like the movie came true for those poor people. So much damage and destruction in Haiti and so many catastrophes world wide lately that one has to think about are parts of this movie coming true slowly but surely and what will be next.
I haven't seen the movie but the catastrophes you are talking about have been happening for thousands of years in one form or another.Man and nature just don't mix all the time.
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