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Two months before Christmas my hard drive buggerd up and I lost all sorts of stuff ,So I bought a second hand computer and re installed what I could, I employed a computer guy to try and rescue some of my stuff from the old hard drive but not much could be recovered, last week my hard drive crashed again , so I took the piece of sh&t to a computer shop

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Two months before Christmas my hard drive buggerd up and I lost all sorts of stuff ,So I bought a second hand computer and re installed what I could, I employed a computer guy to try and rescue some of my stuff from the old hard drive but not much could be recovered, last week my hard drive crashed again , so I took the piece of sh&t to a computer shop' they confirmed it was the hard drive, I had a new one installed plus a pirate version of windows XP
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Two months before Christmas my hard drive buggerd up and I lost all sorts of stuff ,So I bought a second hand computer and re installed what I could, I employed a computer guy to try and rescue some of my stuff from the old hard drive but not much could be recovered, last week my hard drive crashed again , so I took the piece of sh&t to a computer shop' they confirmed it was the hard drive, I had a new one installed plus a pirate version of windows XP
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Two months before Christmas my hard drive buggerd up and I lost all sorts of stuff ,So I bought a second hand computer and re installed what I could, I employed a computer guy to try and rescue some of my stuff from the old hard drive but not much could be recovered, last week my hard drive crashed again , so I took the piece of sh&t to a computer shop' they confirmed it was the hard drive, I had a new one installed plus a pirate version of windows XP
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