Acr Cards

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Hi Everyone, I need some advice for the first time. I have heard many of my friends here saying that from effective of Jan 1 2010, all foreing nationals needs to carry a ACR card with them, that has various information about yourself. I do not know if this is true, or just a rumor going around. I have never been asked or issued with one of these cards in the 7 months of being here and renewing my visa every 2 months. I do go to Dumaguete, and i know for a fact that they do not have the set up down there to issue you one of these cards because you have to have your biometric information put on the chip. So this is a 2 question post, does anyone know if this is a new policy of the BI, and if so where is the nearest office that can issue one of these cards, can they do it in Cebu for example. Has anyone heard about this new policy. Any help or advice about this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,Matt.

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Hi Everyone, I need some advice for the first time. I have heard many of my friends here saying that from effective of Jan 1 2010, all foreing nationals needs to carry a ACR card with them, that has various information about yourself. I do not know if this is true, or just a rumor going around. I have never been asked or issued with one of these cards in the 7 months of being here and renewing my visa every 2 months. I do go to Dumaguete, and i know for a fact that they do not have the set up down there to issue you one of these cards because you have to have your biometric information put on the chip. So this is a 2 question post, does anyone know if this is a new policy of the BI, and if so where is the nearest office that can issue one of these cards, can they do it in Cebu for example. Has anyone heard about this new policy. Any help or advice about this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,Matt.
There has been talk of requiring ACRs for any foreigner in the country for more than 6 consecutive months. BOI has announced the policy, but has not implemented it yet. As of now, the only people that are required to have ACRs are people on a 13(a) or employment visa. Missionaries might need one too...but not sure about that.I wouldn't worry about it too much. If BOI wants you to get a card, they'll tell you when you go to extend your visa. I think most of the larger BOI offices issues ACR cards now. The Baguio office just started issuing them before I left town, so the ability to issue them is spreading to the smaller offices.
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Thank you TheMason for the advice that you have given. Very much appreciated.

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