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Close call that no one would have known about if it wasn't for pure luck.:welcome: An undertaker was stunned to find a Polish beekeeper still alive after reaching into his coffin to remove a necklace for the man's grieving wife. Josef Guzy, 76 , was pronounced dead by doctors after he collapsed outside his home near Katowice in the country's south. "There were no signs of life when his wife called the ambulance," the Times Online reported Katowice Regional Ambulance Service spokesman Jerzy Wisniewski as saying. "An experienced doctor with a specialist qualification in resuscitation found that the patient was not breathing, there was no heartbeat and the body had cooled - all the characteristics of death." He was placed in a coffin later that day by funeral director Darius Wysluchato until Mr Guzy's wife asked him to retrieve her late husband's necklace before closing the lid. "I happened to touch the artery in the neck and was totally shocked," Mr Wysluchato said. "I checked it again and shouted, 'There is a pulse'. "I leant in close and I could tell that he was still breathing. My God, it was a miracle." The same ambulance that had earlier called Mr Guzy's death rushed back to the scene before admitting the pensioner to intensive care. After several weeks of recovery, he has made a full recovery. Doctors have concluded that it was a case of suspended animation. "The undertaker saved my life … I am so grateful," Mr Guzy said. "The first thing I did when I got out of hospital was take him a pot of honey."

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