Honoring The Fallen Heros

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I would like to take a moment in honoring the past and present veterans from all countrieson this Memorial Day. One of my favorite quotes from a US Marine sniper when ask:What do you feel when you kill a terrorist? He simply says -- a little recoil.Respectfully -- Jake

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United Army

Yes, all should take time to pay respects and honor the men and women who have served and given their lives for us who enjoy life now.

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Yes, all should take time to pay respects and honor the men and women who have served and given their lives for us who enjoy life now.
Indeed --- and we have the freedom to enjoy our life thanks to the sacrifice of Decent men who "defended" OUR freedom and continue to do so today.:th_goodidea:UK Tom
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Mr Lee
Yes, all should take time to pay respects and honor the men and women who have served and given their lives for us who enjoy life now.
Absolutely and hopefully we all can say some type of prayer for them, I know I did yesterday.
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Mr Lee

I just had to share this, I just wish someone sent it to me a few days earlier to post. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=LH4-tOqLH94

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