No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

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Mr Lee

I wonder how many of us donate to good causes? What causes do you donate to or would you like others to donate to? My wife and I donate to a few different causes when we can afford to. While I feel that this guys donation may be above and beyond, helping others is always a good cause, and helping those who help others is also a great cause,   and just helping people by sharing your knowledge on this forum is a good cause IMO.   :11_12_14[1]:  :th_thanx: What do you think?   Employer Tells Hero Kidney Donor to Move or Lose Job  (June 16) -- When school social worker Dan Coyne donated a kidney to save the life of a woman he barely knew, he became a hero. The principal of his school declared March 23 "Dan Coyne Day" and incorporated his gift into the teaching curriculum. Thursday, Coyne will be honored at a dinner for school social workers.   But this hero may soon be out of a job. Chicago school officials are threatening to fire Coyne, who works at Ray Elementary and Pershing East Magnet School, if he doesn't move from Evanston, Ill., into Chicago. For his part, Coyne has said he was told in 2002 that this wasn't necessary. A letter Coyne received Friday from the Chicago Board of Education stated he had shown "conduct unbecoming an employee."  "He's a hero in the eyes of many Chicagoans," Chicago Public Schools spokeswoman Monique Bond told the Chicago Tribune, "but unfortunately the database system is blind to that." In March, Coyne donated a kidney to a Filipina single mother named Myra de la Vega, a cashier at the grocery store where he shops. He had heard she needed a kidney, so he volunteered his own.


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I wonder how many of us donate to good causes? What causes do you donate to or would you like others to donate to? My wife and I donate to a few different causes when we can afford to. While I feel that this guys donation may be above and beyond, helping others is always a good cause, and helping those who help others is also a great cause, and just helping people by sharing your knowledge on this forum is a good cause IMO. 11_12_14[1].gifth_thanx.gif What do you think? Employer Tells Hero Kidney Donor to Move or Lose Job (June 16) -- When school social worker Dan Coyne donated a kidney to save the life of a woman he barely knew, he became a hero. The principal of his school declared March 23 "Dan Coyne Day" and incorporated his gift into the teaching curriculum. Thursday, Coyne will be honored at a dinner for school social workers. But this hero may soon be out of a job. Chicago school officials are threatening to fire Coyne, who works at Ray Elementary and Pershing East Magnet School, if he doesn't move from Evanston, Ill., into Chicago. For his part, Coyne has said he was told in 2002 that this wasn't necessary. A letter Coyne received Friday from the Chicago Board of Education stated he had shown "conduct unbecoming an employee." "He's a hero in the eyes of many Chicagoans," Chicago Public Schools spokeswoman Monique Bond told the Chicago Tribune, "but unfortunately the database system is blind to that." In March, Coyne donated a kidney to a Filipina single mother named Myra de la Vega, a cashier at the grocery store where he shops. He had heard she needed a kidney, so he volunteered his own.
that would be really bad if he lost his job after being so kind. I do not think I could do that kidney thing but I do donate money & food to poor whenever I have extra to give
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Chicago school officials are threatening to fire Coyne, who works at Ray Elementary and Pershing East Magnet School, if he doesn't move from Evanston, Ill., into Chicago.
The article left out an important detail: How can an employer require an employee to move?.
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Chicago school officials are threatening to fire Coyne, who works at Ray Elementary and Pershing East Magnet School, if he doesn't move from Evanston, Ill., into Chicago.
The article left out an important detail: How can an employer require an employee to move?.
Could be a condition of employment. My brother-in-law works for the Philadelphia International Airport. A condition of employment is that he live within a certain radius of the airport.
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