Sex Workers Rescued

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MANILA, Philippines - Combined operatives of the Manila Police District and the Department of Justice rescued Thursday night 251 women, including 18 minors, from a suspected prostitution house fronting as a restaurant in Ermita, Manila.view the full article

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MANILA, Philippines - Combined operatives of the Manila Police District and the Department of Justice rescued Thursday night 251 women, including 18 minors, from a suspected prostitution house fronting as a restaurant in Ermita, Manila.view the full article
oh so that is what GRO stands for. I wonder what they mean that it cost more for the foreigner to take the girl out of the restaurant? did they expect them to have sex on the tables? SugarwareZ-005.gif so when they said box lunch they meant it SugarwareZ-007.gif actually very sad that women have to do that to feed their familiesSurveillance operation showed that prostitution is rampant in LA Café wherein female employees of the restaurant openly pimp women guest relations officers (GROs) for sex on the second floor, according to MPD director Chief Superintendent Rodolfo Magtibay. GROs in the place can be sex partners for a fee ranging from P2,500 to P4,000 depending on their age, Magtibay said. Pimps receive a percentage of the sex fee which increases if the foreigner takes the girl out of the restaurant.
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4 words! :mocking: Manila Mayor Alfredo LimEnough said...After reading many reports after Lim was re-elected they all proclaimed this would happen but when and where was still a mystery. Even though it looks in the media as if the Philippines govt is cracking down on this type of activity for other countries.. But in essence they rely on the tourist traffic of all aspects and actually tourism is down in Philippines by 20 - 30 percent I read the other day. Notice how much the US Department report was emphasized.And finally Lim did this in his first terms to Ermita and made a name for him self for it how far he will go I guess we will see :buttkick: One might say that if the Philippines government and the filipino people really cared about the Red Light Districts and clubs that filipina's seek and find employment, then they would enact support systems to help single mothers(single mothers are the majority who are a GRO). The results would be less woman seeking out these GRO jobs and Dancing in clubs. But hey in the end the money that the families receive from the sometimes only earner will be priority and they will continue to overlook the fact that their daughter is a dancer, GRO, Waitress or otherwise a prostitute.l The Philippines authorities and the corruption that is saturated thru out the government as well as the tourism aspect that comes with the influx of dollars to all involved will be the final deciding factor if there would be and end or major tapering off of these establishments I DONT SEE THAT HAPPENING ANY TIME SOON.It has been an ongoing quietly accepted relationship within the Philippines for many years and will continue to be a factor of their society.They will continue to lay the blame on the heels of the foreigner who travels to the Philippines to relax and enjoy the company of a willing filipina participant.This was an excerpt from a response on my forum to the media report of LACAFE being raided.Hey enough said hehehe.. :1927_: WarlordDID YOU NO THAT WIKIPEDIA LISTS LACAFE IN THERE DESCRIPTION AND FACT FINDING REPORT.

Ermita was rebuilt after the devastation of the war. University life remained vibrant therein. However, as decades passed, Ermita started earning a reputation as the red-light district of Manila. During the term of Mayor Alfredo Lim, an effort was made to "clean up" Ermita, helping improve its reputation since then. However, a local city ordinance prohibiting the establishment, on grounds of public morality, of motels, lodging houses and other similar establishments, was later declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.[5] As a result of the clean-up efforts, nightlife in the area dwindled though it has picked up of late with the help of the emergence of the nearby Malate district and the Roxas Blvd. Baywalk area in the nightlife scene. Since 2001 there has been a resurgence of prostitution in Ermita, led by the infamous freelancer bar LA Cafe. So-called Karaoke bars (KTV) operated by Korean and Japanese nationals, have lured thousands of women into prostitution and it remains the Philippines second largest center for prostitution after the infamous Angeles City to the north of the capital.,_Manila
Edited by Warlord
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MANILA, Philippines - Combined operatives of the Manila Police District and the Department of Justice rescued Thursday night 251 women, including 18 minors, from a suspected prostitution house fronting as a restaurant in Ermita, Manila.view the full article
oh so that is what GRO stands for. I wonder what they mean that it cost more for the foreigner to take the girl out of the restaurant? did they expect them to have sex on the tables? SugarwareZ-005.gif so when they said box lunch they meant it SugarwareZ-007.gif actually very sad that women have to do that to feed their familiesSurveillance operation showed that prostitution is rampant in LA Café wherein female employees of the restaurant openly pimp women guest relations officers (GROs) for sex on the second floor, according to MPD director Chief Superintendent Rodolfo Magtibay. GROs in the place can be sex partners for a fee ranging from P2,500 to P4,000 depending on their age, Magtibay said. Pimps receive a percentage of the sex fee which increases if the foreigner takes the girl out of the restaurant.
Oh I understand now,its only foreigners who have sex with bargirls or prostitutes in the Philippines. Hopefully the locals wont catch onto the idea.:mocking:
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I suspect that the only result of this token effort to reign in prostitution will be a lot of families going hungry. For many of these women dancing and the other "related" activities are there and there families only means of support, what are they supposed to do now? Perhaps go to the Internet cafes and try to scam some lonely guy out of some money?Doug and Sally

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Posted (edited)
I suspect that the only result of this token effort to reign in prostitution will be a lot of families going hungry. For many of these women dancing and the other "related" activities are there and there families only means of support, what are they supposed to do now? Perhaps go to the Internet cafes and try to scam some lonely guy out of some money?Doug and Sally
No they are probably expected to ply their trade in QC as that's where the politicians are :th_thanx:  Edited by Mr. Lee
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