Theres An Eel In My Bum

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How would ya be,lol :3_8_14[1]: A Chinese fishmonger almost died after an eel swam into his bottom. Li Chang was sitting on the edge of a tank at a warehouse in Guangzhou in southern China when he fell back into a container of live eels, The Sun newspaper reports. The 43-year-old said he was horrified when he felt one swim up his trousers and into his anus. He said he was too embarrassed to tell anyone what had happened and continued working. But colleagues called emergency services after he collapsed. Doctors performed a five hour surgery to remove the creature and repair the severe internal injuries caused by it moving around. "The eel had badly injured the patient," a hospital spokesman was quoted as saying. "If he had not arrived when he did he would have died. "We expect he will make a full recovery though." http://news.ninemsn....swims-in-bottom

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"A working class hero is someone to be."NOT..

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Tom in Texas

Yeah, yeah, yeah............. "it swam up my pants leg"... yeah, sure it did... "the checks in the mail"... "it will only hurt a for a minute"... "my dog ate my homework"...

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Dont believe it........My cousin is a Doctor at a hospital, He told me that once a guy came with a frozen goose head stuck up his ass, The guy said he fell over and sat on itSugarwareZ-011.gif

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