No race for grades in this school

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IN THIS SCHOOL in Lingayen town in Pangasinan, storytelling and reading sessions are held for 30 minutes daily in all levels. More importantly, pupils do not compete for grades and no one is given academic honors at the end of the school year.View the full article

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but how will they know who's best?!!!!SugarwareZ-047.gif

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That type of system is a lot of" bulls@#&$" as far as I’m concerned. Along with all the academics that a person need to learn, you also have to learn how to compete with other people. That is a big part of life, how to compete, in these type of school situations they want everyone to be a "winner", nobody looses. Well we also have to learn how do deal with failure as well. We don’t always win, if we always win then there is no "thrill of victory", no sense of accomplishment, no real sense of pride. As far as I’m concerned this type of education is garbage.Doug and Sally

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Posted (edited)
That type of system is a lot of" bulls@#&{:content:}quot; as far as I’m concerned. Along with all the academics that a person need to learn, you also have to learn how to compete with other people. That is a big part of life, how to compete, in these type of school situations they want everyone to be a "winner", nobody looses. Well we also have to learn how do deal with failure as well. We don’t always win, if we always win then there is no "thrill of victory", no sense of accomplishment, no real sense of pride. As far as I’m concerned this type of education is garbage.Doug and Sally
The other day I ran a race and we all won ! I am as fast as Carl Lewis !:P Edited by parksb2
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That type of system is a lot of" bulls@#&$" as far as I’m concerned. Along with all the academics that a person need to learn, you also have to learn how to compete with other people. That is a big part of life, how to compete, in these type of school situations they want everyone to be a "winner", nobody looses. Well we also have to learn how do deal with failure as well. We don’t always win, if we always win then there is no "thrill of victory", no sense of accomplishment, no real sense of pride. As far as I’m concerned this type of education is garbage.Doug and Sally
I totally agree in the need for winners, losers, failure, success, and through competition. But like sports, it depends on the game you're playing; not everyone's good at the same game. In a perfect world, if they could improve the education system, I think they'd need a better balance between subjects you memorize, use your hands, use your creativity, and use your problem solving. As it stands, so-called brainiac kids are rewarded, and everyone else is regarded with indifference, if not contempt. In a better world, if not perfect, schools would offer children the chance to discover and excel in what they're good at. It would also encourage debate and different points of view. But strapped for cash, everyone's sticks to the old proven method of what kind of, sort of, works. In my hometown the trouble kids get sent to a vocational high school where they often do well and enjoy learning, but unfortunately there's a huge stigma attached to it: you're probably ADHD, have problems with authority, suck at math, reading and writing, and you're trash. Otherwise, maybe regular kids could opt to go there as well. Equal respect for all schools, but it doesn't happen. Anyways... If you can't improve the system, at least try to ensure poor kids have an equal opportunity to attend classes.
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