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why do they not think before they speakPurisima: Hostage crisis hardly to impact economyThe hostage-taking incident in Manila, which ended in a bloody siege late Monday and resulted in the death of nine Hong Kong nationals, was simply a criminal act and not a political event with dire ramifications on the Philippine economy, Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima said Tuesday.The incident “should not be a cause for concern," Purisima said in an interview with reporters when he emerged from a meeting with lawmakers whom he briefed on the administration’s fiscal targets for 2011.“It’s an individual event, not a political event. I think it’s very important to point out that, you know, in most countries, most cities, there are acts of crime. It’s one of those unfortunate acts of crime, but it’s not a politically motivated event (so) it should not be a cause for concern," Purisima said.The challenge for government is to properly communicate with other countries that the administration is in control of the situation. “The important thing, I think, for most of the financial markets is that we have a government that has a unanimous mandate, that has very high support and credibility," according to the finance chief said.Asked on the effect of the travel advisory (http://www.gmanews.tv/story/199234/hk-issues-travel-ban-to-rp-after-hostage-crisis) issued by the Hong Kong government against the Philippines because of the crisis, Purisima said it would be a decrease in tourist arrivals. A day after the hostage-taking, tourists from Hong Kong were cutting short their Philippine vacation.But a lawmaker was outraged by the way the crisis came about, considering it was perpetrated by a dismissed police officer, former Senior Inspector Rolando Mendoza who was charged with robbery and extortion together with four other cops. He was dismissed from service in February 2009. Davao Representative Karlo Nograles, vice chairman of the House committee on human rights, urged government to review the way complaints and cases against police officers and AFP soldiers are processed.“These cases must be speedily decided and given due course with adequate remedies available to the respondents. They must be able to feel that justice is working," he said

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Mr Lee
why do they not think before they speakPurisima: Hostage crisis hardly to impact economyThe hostage-taking incident in Manila, which ended in a bloody siege late Monday and resulted in the death of nine Hong Kong nationals, was simply a criminal act and not a political event with dire ramifications on the Philippine economy, Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima said Tuesday.The incident “should not be a cause for concern," Purisima said in an interview with reporters when he emerged from a meeting with lawmakers whom he briefed on the administration’s fiscal targets for 2011.“It’s an individual event, not a political event. I think it’s very important to point out that, you know, in most countries, most cities, there are acts of crime. It’s one of those unfortunate acts of crime, but it’s not a politically motivated event (so) it should not be a cause for concern," Purisima said.The challenge for government is to properly communicate with other countries that the administration is in control of the situation. “The important thing, I think, for most of the financial markets is that we have a government that has a unanimous mandate, that has very high support and credibility," according to the finance chief said.Asked on the effect of the travel advisory (http://www.gmanews.tv/story/199234/hk-issues-travel-ban-to-rp-after-hostage-crisis) issued by the Hong Kong government against the Philippines because of the crisis, Purisima said it would be a decrease in tourist arrivals. A day after the hostage-taking, tourists from Hong Kong were cutting short their Philippine vacation.But a lawmaker was outraged by the way the crisis came about, considering it was perpetrated by a dismissed police officer, former Senior Inspector Rolando Mendoza who was charged with robbery and extortion together with four other cops. He was dismissed from service in February 2009. Davao Representative Karlo Nograles, vice chairman of the House committee on human rights, urged government to review the way complaints and cases against police officers and AFP soldiers are processed.“These cases must be speedily decided and given due course with adequate remedies available to the respondents. They must be able to feel that justice is working," he said
IMO it is wishful thinking on their part, if they say it then maybe it will come true.  The one main thing that I think they do not understand, and why I felt it should have been ended ASAP with a bullet,is that the hostage taker represents a part of the government and if the government cannot control their own higher ups, or in this case former higher ups in the police force or military, then there is little hope for the country itself. A police officer is but a human with feelings and need, but usually with much more training than an average individual and if he can become upset and disillusioned with the system, then anyone can and might. To me it represented a country which is out of control and when we tie that to all the corruption and other goings on and past incidents, the Philippines begins to become less of a place people wish to visit or live in. The other sad thing about this is that I have received a dozen emails from friends with links to news stories about this incident as well as a few phone calls, and everyone kept asking things like "are you sure you want to live in a country as unstable as that" or "will you be going back again after what just happened" and many other similar statements, so the perception is now more widely viewed that the Philippines is out of control, and only those of us who live or spend a lot of time within, realize it is not as bad as people perceive it to be.
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i agree with you lee especially on this

so the perception is now more widely viewed that the Philippines is out of control, and only those of us who live or spend a lot of time within, realize it is not as bad as people perceive it to be.
i think its just an isolated event and doesnt represent the philippines in whole , these things can happen in ANY COUNTRY !! and has happened in other countrys and it wont stop me from going there and eventually living there !!! i mean you never know when someone is going to snap and do something stupid like him !! we cant sheild ourselfs in a bubble from the outside world !! i remember hearing all the horrer stories about the philippines before my first trip there and i had friends say please be carefull its dangrous there , now i look back and say how can they say that they have never been there !!!! yes i admit i was nervous my first time there , but i didnt let it stop me from going and growing to love the Philippines !!!! i guess my point is IT WAS A RANDOM ACT BY A NUT JOB , A GUY GONE POSTAL !!! AND IT DOESNT REPRESENT THE STATE OF THE PHILIPPINES !! there is problems there but what country doesnt have problems OldUgly&Cranky
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it is safe here in Cebu

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i agree with you lee especially on this
so the perception is now more widely viewed that the Philippines is out of control, and only those of us who live or spend a lot of time within, realize it is not as bad as people perceive it to be.
i think its just an isolated event and doesnt represent the philippines in whole , these things can happen in ANY COUNTRY !! and has happened in other countrys and it wont stop me from going there and eventually living there !!! i mean you never know when someone is going to snap and do something stupid like him !! we cant sheild ourselfs in a bubble from the outside world !! i remember hearing all the horrer stories about the philippines before my first trip there and i had friends say please be carefull its dangrous there , now i look back and say how can they say that they have never been there !!!! yes i admit i was nervous my first time there , but i didnt let it stop me from going and growing to love the Philippines !!!! i guess my point is IT WAS A RANDOM ACT BY A NUT JOB , A GUY GONE POSTAL !!! AND IT DOESNT REPRESENT THE STATE OF THE PHILIPPINES !! there is problems there but what country doesnt have problems OldUgly&Cranky
Hey guys,Yeah, I hear ya......news media, talking heads, condescending politicians -- they are either painting a more rosy picture or the world is coming to an end just because of one isolated incident. The term "gone postal" originated from a ultra modern society. What about drive-by shootings in the streets of Los Angeles, the serial rapists, the serial killers, church, work and school shoot outs, serial stalkers, cyber perverts, domestic violence seen live on high definition, Exxon Valdez and BP oil spill, fat cat CEO's getting fired with multi-million dollar bonuses, etc, etc....Maybe HK politicians should also black list USA and other 1st world countries....... Respectfully -- Jake
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Tom in Texas
Hey guys,Yeah, I hear ya......news media, talking heads, condescending politicians -- they are either painting a more rosy picture or the world is coming to an end just because of one isolated incident. ****Respectfully -- Jake
Ditto, Jake,Beginning about 20 +/- years ago, "news" became just another entertainment commodity to be used to attract ratings and lure advertisers and boost corporate revenues.With a 24 hour news cycle, the talking heads must have a new story... or create new spin on an old story... virtually every day. Any event that takes place anywhere in the world is immediately spun into whatever "Breaking News" fantasy that a particular network believes will attract the most viewers... regardless of the truth behind that event.Any event that contains death... sex... religion... politics... (best if all four) is spun into pure gold for and by the news pundits and news whores.Tom in Texas
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Tom in Texas
Hey guys,***The term "gone postal" originated from a ultra modern society. What about drive-by shootings in the streets of Los Angeles, the serial rapists, the serial killers, church, work and school shoot outs, serial stalkers, cyber perverts, domestic violence seen live on high definition, Exxon Valdez and BP oil spill, fat cat CEO's getting fired with multi-million dollar bonuses, etc, etc....Maybe HK politicians should also black list USA and other 1st world countries....... Respectfully -- Jake
... and double-ditto, Jake,The U.S. seems to be the Capital for (*** everything you list above)... and thus should be blacklisted as a travel destination for anyone wishing to avoid these perils.At the very least, no sane person should ever again travel to New York City, Oklahoma City, Washington D.C., ... or God forbid, Dallas... where a lone gunman might shoot you in the head from 265 feet away while you are in a moving vehicle. (Bet you don't have to worry about that in Manila).Tom in Texas
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I feel bad for the Filipinos/as working and living in Hong Kong now.

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Mr Lee
Hey guys,***The term "gone postal" originated from a ultra modern society.  What about drive-by shootings in the streets of Los Angeles, the serial rapists, the serial killers, church, work and school shoot outs, serial stalkers, cyber perverts, domestic violence seen live on high definition, Exxon Valdez and BP oil spill, fat cat CEO's getting fired with multi-million dollar bonuses, etc, etc....Maybe HK politicians should also black list USA and other 1st world countries....... Respectfully -- Jake
... and double-ditto, Jake,The U.S. seems to be the Capital for (*** everything you list above)... and thus should be blacklisted as a travel destination for anyone wishing to avoid these perils.At the very least, no sane person should ever again travel to New York City, Oklahoma City, Washington D.C., ... or God forbid, Dallas... where a lone gunman might shoot you in the head from 265 feet away while you are in a moving vehicle. (Bet you don't have to worry about that in Manila).Tom in Texas
Yes vehicle rarely move in Manila.   SugarwareZ-007.gifAll kidding aside, crime is everywhere and there are nuts everywhere  :lol: so there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
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Hey guys,***The term "gone postal" originated from a ultra modern society. What about drive-by shootings in the streets of Los Angeles, the serial rapists, the serial killers, church, work and school shoot outs, serial stalkers, cyber perverts, domestic violence seen live on high definition, Exxon Valdez and BP oil spill, fat cat CEO's getting fired with multi-million dollar bonuses, etc, etc....Maybe HK politicians should also black list USA and other 1st world countries....... Respectfully -- Jake
... and double-ditto, Jake,The U.S. seems to be the Capital for (*** everything you list above)... and thus should be blacklisted as a travel destination for anyone wishing to avoid these perils.At the very least, no sane person should ever again travel to New York City, Oklahoma City, Washington D.C., ... or God forbid, Dallas... where a lone gunman might shoot you in the head from 265 feet away while you are in a moving vehicle. (Bet you don't have to worry about that in Manila).Tom in Texas
Hello Counsel,Very interesting.......how does one determine the precise distance of 265 feet, unless youhave already scoped it out with a nice laser he, he......Lock and load Tom -- Jake
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