Englishman Becomes Us President

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Mr Lee
This English guy speaks the words of all true americans.http://www.jihadwatc...-surprised.html
Pat Condell for president, he has my vote. To answer the question he posed, yes America is losing its mind IMO and I have been wondering why so many Americans have their heads in the sand, and wish more would wake up and take America back, but peacefully.
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Wanna comment, but I thought we're supposed to avoid politics and religion?

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Wanna comment, but I thought we're supposed to avoid politics and religion?
If you keep it civil and if others do as well I will allow it but if it gets out of hand as in past experience I will just delete the whole thing as I know of the problems I have had before.:714_full_of_crap: Life tough at the top,lol
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Like Pat Condell, I'm not an American. But religion was not the reason the 9/11 terrorist attacks occurred. And saying that this is what "true Americans" feel is probably pretty offensive to all the un-true Americans. It's that kind of thinking that divides your country. The only people who have a right to "take back their country" are the Indians. For everyone else, there's a broken political and economic system you need to work with. Besides, it's mostly the Republicans who drove the country into the dirt for 8 years. If they take back the country, imagine how much worse it would get. And even though I'm not American, I still care what happens in your country because it affects the rest of the world as well. If someone like Palin ever becomes president, better start packing your bags for Armageddon.

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This controversy is intended to whip up war hysteria before the rape and plunder of the empire's next major target: Iran. (Muslims had nothing to do with the WTC attacks anyway.) People need to wake up and stop allowing themselves to be manipulated by the elite (who also control the media). .

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Tom in Texas

Ahhh, yes... Elections are nearing. Time to demonize some race, religion or skin color and rile up the crazies so they will turn out and vote against their own best interests.

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Mr Lee
Like Pat Condell, I'm not an American. But religion was not the reason the 9/11 terrorist attacks occurred. And saying that this is what "true Americans" feel is probably pretty offensive to all the un-true Americans. It's that kind of thinking that divides your country. The only people who have a right to "take back their country" are the Indians. For everyone else, there's a broken political and economic system you need to work with. Besides, it's mostly the Republicans who drove the country into the dirt for 8 years. If they take back the country, imagine how much worse it would get. And even though I'm not American, I still care what happens in your country because it affects the rest of the world as well. If someone like Palin ever becomes president, better start packing your bags for Armageddon.
Before this does turn more political I will stop that part here. All in the above post was fine before a political party was named and blamed. IMO there is enough blame to go around and people on one side feel as you mentioned above and people on the other side feel exactly opposite and neither would be totally correct IMHO since I believe that both parties are ruining the US and it takes two to tango, but I am no expert on anything, no less politics. Let us keep the political part out of it or it will surely start a battle that will end up with Boss Man deleting this whole thread.  :SugarwareZ-037:
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Like Pat Condell, I'm not an American. But religion was not the reason the 9/11 terrorist attacks occurred. And saying that this is what "true Americans" feel is probably pretty offensive to all the un-true Americans. It's that kind of thinking that divides your country. The only people who have a right to "take back their country" are the Indians. For everyone else, there's a broken political and economic system you need to work with. Besides, it's mostly the Republicans who drove the country into the dirt for 8 years. If they take back the country, imagine how much worse it would get. And even though I'm not American, I still care what happens in your country because it affects the rest of the world as well. If someone like Palin ever becomes president, better start packing your bags for Armageddon.
Before this does turn more political I will stop that part here. All in the above post was fine before a political party was named and blamed. IMO there is enough blame to go around and people on one side feel as you mentioned above and people on the other side feel exactly opposite and neither would be totally correct IMHO since I believe that both parties are ruining the US and it takes two to tango, but I am no expert on anything, no less politics. Let us keep the political part out of it or it will surely start a battle that will end up with Boss Man deleting this whole thread. :wt-hell:
Critique accepted. I agree there's enough blame to go around. Naming parties is probably not a good idea. There are good people who support both parties. I guess, it's a shame that it's just a two-party state; was there ever a third? Ah well, black and white, need some gray..... or red? lol.
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