Six Million 'paid Wrong Uk Income Tax

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I think I would be putting up a fight if they wanted me to pay back because of their mistakes. :SugarwareZ-037:Six million 'paid wrong UK income taxBritish tax collectors say a new computer system has revealed that almost 6 million people have paid the wrong amount of income tax, and 1.4 million will be told to repay an average of STG1,500 ($A2,540) each.HM Revenue and Customs says 4.3 million people will receive a rebate.The problem affects some of the 40 million people whose income tax is automatically deducted from their paycheques under a system known as Pay As You Earn.The tax agency said on Saturday its computers have found that STG2 billion ($A3.38 billion) pounds was underpaid through the system over the past two years, while STG1.8 billion ($A3.04 billion) was overpaid.Tax advisers say people who receive the tax demands should seek advice, because they may not have to pay if they can prove the mistake was not their fault.;_ylt=ArhAr9GBvcuFMNaXS980a9rCWo9G;_ylu=X3oDMTE4N2E2bDdyBHBvcwMyBHNlYwN5ZmlUb3BTdG9yaWVzBHNsawNzaXhtaWxsaW9ucGE-?x=0

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That's the problem with working, government takes a big chunk of your hard earned income..

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