First Democrat Joins House Gop Effort To Repeal Health Care Law

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Mr Lee

It appears that the losses of their jobs by the Tea Party is waking up some from both sides and now they are starting to see that the people do not want things rammed down their throats. Please let us not turn this into a political discussion, I post it because the health care law could affect those of us Americans who live in the US, the Philippines or anywhere else in the world, if we are made to pay for it as I have read we will surely have to do, one way or another, and the far reaching affects could even mean less money Americans, green card holders or OFW in the US have to spend, so it could hurt others as well. Mississippi Rep. Gene Taylor has become the first Democratic co-sponsor of a Republican effort to repeal the health care law, joining 172 GOPers to call for a vote to end the legislation.Read the whole story here

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Woke up one morning and said UhOh. :whistling: Wonder how far they chased him with the tar and feathers before he changed his mind. SugarwareZ-007.gif

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