Four Cebu Power Plants Now Online

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Mr Lee

Anyone taking bets how long before the next brownout?  :1 (235):Two units of Cebu Energy Development Corporation in Naga City with a combined capacity of 164 megawatts were already synchronized to the grid as well as the Cebu Thermal Power Plant 1 and 2, which has 50 megawatts each. The two units of CEDC went off from the grid when the transmission line of the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines tripped off October 5. The CTPP Unit 2, meanwhile, went off the grid for several months due to preventive maintenance. CTPP 1 was shutdown October 5 due to some technical problems. Department of Energy regional director Antonio Labios said CTPP Units 1 and 2 went back online yesterday.The complete story HERE

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The question eventually will be, how much will your electricity bill be each month, especially during those hot summer nights!

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