Businessmen Suggest Nuclear Power For Cebu

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Mr Lee

I sure hope they do not build one unless there is one area of Cebu that can be guarded properly and people can be trained to run the plant properly, which I have serious doubts about.The complete story hereDuring the 888 News Forum at Marco Polo Hotel yesterday, Go expressed his support for nuclear power plant saying that it is "worthwhile" and at this new age, the people must open their mind while a lot of experts can manage the nuclear power plant.

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During President Marco's regime, this was the Philippine's only attempt to build a nuclear power plant in 1976 in Bataan and construction was nearly completed by 1984, but then President Cory Aquino decide not to put the plant in operation due to over whelming opposition from the local residences of Bataan and Philippine citizens! So why make such another attempt? I left out a few important facts, but read on and you'll see the big fiasco that transpired in the attempted construction of the power plant! It had cost over runs and mostly had a lot of construction defects, 4,000 in all during it's construction!

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I sure hope they do not build one unless there is one area of Cebu that can be guarded properly and people can be trained to run the plant properly, which I have serious doubts about.The complete story hereDuring the 888 News Forum at Marco Polo Hotel yesterday, Go expressed his support for nuclear power plant saying that it is "worthwhile" and at this new age, the people must open their mind while a lot of experts can manage the nuclear power plant.
I think they can do it just fine, I'm sure they can do it better than we did three mile island. Now they need to pay them a real salary. Recently the president was making a national issue out of power company workers paying themselves the outrageous fees of 30,000P a month! If that's what they are going to pay people, then know, t hey can't find competent people, those people will leave.However, I think it is foolish. What is it? A power trip? An ego massage? Why on earth do they need to go nuke when they have all this wonderful wind and solar energy. Windmills at sea, too many typhoons?Lee, we've been having a staggering amount of brown outs. I'm to the point now, that when I write a message, I'm rushing to hit save. Before the lights go out. Last week was exceptionally bad. We had more time without lights than with them for several days. I don't care what they do to fix it. Just fix it and turn my damn aircon back on. SugarwareZ-034.gif
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Mr Lee
I sure hope they do not build one unless there is one area of Cebu that can be guarded properly and people can be trained to run the plant properly, which I have serious doubts about.The complete story hereDuring the 888 News Forum at Marco Polo Hotel yesterday, Go expressed his support for nuclear power plant saying that it is "worthwhile" and at this new age, the people must open their mind while a lot of experts can manage the nuclear power plant.
I think they can do it just fine, I'm sure they can do it better than we did three mile island.  Now they need to pay them a real salary.  Recently the president was making a national issue out of power company workers paying themselves the outrageous fees of 30,000P a month!  If that's what they are going to pay people, then know, t hey can't find competent people, those people will leave.However, I think it is foolish.  What is it? A power trip?   An ego massage?  Why on earth do they need to go nuke when they have all this wonderful wind and solar energy.  Windmills at sea, too many typhoons?Lee, we've been having a staggering amount of brown outs.  I'm to the point now, that when I write a message, I'm rushing to hit save.  Before the lights go out.  Last week was exceptionally bad.  We had more time without lights than with them for several days.   I don't care what they do to fix it.  Just fix it and turn my damn aircon back on.  SugarwareZ-034.gif
Rusty I am surprised to hear that since I just made a post HERE where they claim to have put 4 power plants online.
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Rusty I am surprised to hear that since I just made a post HERE where they claim to have put 4 power plants online.
I didn't look at it real close but is that the same four that were off line last week?We had several days of rotational brownouts do to negative reserves on the grid.The brown outs where province wide. We had one day where the lights flickered all day and we couldn't run the aircon. In the center of Bogo, they didn't have that problem but most of Cebu did. There were articles in the paper about it.
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