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I just read Flirtilizer's blog on "Where's my Christmas?" -- another interesting read on Filipino culture. You should expect to give whether it's coins or something to eat but in general, just be polite and respect the culture. However, as a Filipino I still find the ceremony of Penitentia during the Holy week a bit morbid for me.  First, let's get to the definition: feeling or expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow for sins or offenses.  Just about every road and street throughout the Philippines will be filled with parading young males whipping themselves with homemade flagellation tools, mostly made of bamboo sticks.  Prior to the start of their long march, they would purposely have someone make small incisions on their backs to induce bleeding.  You would also see a person dragging the heavy cross.  In Manila (I forgot the exact location), hanging from the cross becomes a major tourist attraction.  One Belgian woman would make an annual visit, bringing her own set of nickel plated spikes to prevent infection.  Bus loads of Japanese tourist and street vendors would fill the festive air.  


One thing that would directly affect the virgin expat is massive traffic of people and vehicles.  In other words, you won't get very far or will take you hours to conduct your daily errands.  Again, this is one of the cultures that may not be agreeable to you, but at least display some remorse for the ones suffering from the long march under the hot sun.


Respectfully -- Jake

Edited by Jake
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Just had the thought of what if Jesus had actually done the same thing in Roman times and been the one to whip and hang himself on the cross, without much help? Imagine the look on people's faces, especially the Japanese tourists! Could've been quite funny, if the Romans and Jews actually had nothing to do with it, but watched in shock.

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