Bankers Cheque

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I intend purchasing a car shortly. The suggested way seems to be to use a bankers cheque rather than carrying cash!Can a bankers cheque be obtained by presenting cash at a bank, or is an account with the bank required?

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Mr Lee
I intend purchasing a car shortly. The suggested way seems to be to use a bankers cheque rather than carrying cash!Can a bankers cheque be obtained by presenting  cash at a bank, or is an account with the bank required?
From what I have been told by the banks that my wife and I use in the PHL, you must have an account to get what they call a managers check but I have found that most places will take your PHL personal check if they deliver your purchase, or if you pick it up later that day. We have bought appliances, condos and furniture with personal checks and the sellers go to the bank and hammer the check before delivery or in the case of the condo, before they applied for title for us. 
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