False Claims Of Racism

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Mr Lee

Not to get into the religious part of the Muslim religion but should the hiding of ones face be allowed for any reason? What if any other culture of men or women were to decide to wear bandannas all the time for religious reasons and refuse to take them off for police to see their faces or to get drivers licenses or whatever, do any of you think that would be allowed? I say NO and I say three cheers for Australia, and say other governments need to follow their lead. This special treatment of any one group should not be allowed in countries other than their own. If they do not like the rules of a country, then they should avoid going to that country or living in that country IMHO and they have every right to practice all parts of their religion in countries that allow all parts of it to be practiced, but hiding ones face from the police should never be allowed IMHO and maybe this case and others like it will help to stop that practice. Were it not for the police video, an Australian police officer's career would have been ruined. It is now common for Muslim leaders and Islamic organizations in the West to issue a knee-jerk accusation of racism or Islamophobia at the first hint of criticism of radical Islam. This intimidation tactic was employed, again and again, by Islamic organizations, media, government and academic elites during the Ground Zero Mosque controversy. At the news conference we conducted outside New York City Hall on November 18th, Executive Director Guy Rodgers was asked at least three times if opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque was intolerant. The goal of the tactic is clearly to shut down any critique of Islam. This video reveals, in living color, how the widespread use of this propaganda name-calling tactic is now used. Watch the video HERE

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