Rooster Kills Man At California Cockfight

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A Fighting Cock kills a man in California Cockfight. Unfortunately Jose Ochoa died from the wound... my guess the delay in medical attention due to his country of origin status? Comments are a hoot

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Dave Hounddriver

I think its cute that all the comments are about the 'rooster' they must have the word 'cock' reserved for use in the story but disabled for the comments. Otherwise it would get too hilarious. . . . I mean, the gist of the story is "Ochoa died of an accidental “sharp force injury” caused by another man's cock.

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I think its cute that all the comments are about the 'rooster' they must have the word 'cock' reserved for use in the story but disabled for the comments. Otherwise it would get too hilarious. . . . I mean, the gist of the story is "Ochoa died of an accidental “sharp force injury” caused by another man's cock.
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