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Since our chat here dont work, who all is on Face Book, Yahoo and Windows Live Messenger (MSN) ?I can be found 7_3_205[1].gif on all three of them

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Mr Lee
Since our chat here dont work, who all is on Face Book, Yahoo and Windows Live Messenger (MSN) ?I can be found 7_3_205[1].gif on all three of them
I use Yahoo at times, but I also have a US phone number via a Magic Jack and have a number of friends who live in the Philippines and elsewhere who call me that way, and we also have a Cebu phone number, as well as a few Smart cell phone numbers, so I try to make myself available to those of you who might like to chat and get better acquainted. There is also private messages on this forum, should anyone wish to initiate contact with other members, although I find that some members do not reply to their private messages, for whatever reason. So the lines of communication are available in many ways and often email and private messages is a good way to start them, so as to get the other ways known. The chat was available yet no one used it, so it was shut off, and then a member asked for it and it was turned back on, and again never used, so possibly (I am not sure because I have only used it a few times in the past) it has been turned back off.
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