St. Ignatius De Loyola Townhomes's

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United Army

I wanted to post this in case anyone is looking for a home, they have both town homes and houses here. After looking at about 15-20 places to buy I found this subdivision and their town homes very nice and the contractor seems to do extra things that you may request when buying a house or town home from them. For us they put in a kitchen exhaust fan above the stove, put 2 towel racks in each of our 3 CR's, put our Aircon units in, added living room curtains for us and put in 3 dead bolts locks in each of our outside doors. I purchased the dead bolt locks, the aircons were ours, but for the rest of the items they purchased and installed them all FREE...all this was at no charge.yes.gifThey are doing phase 1 now with 4 townhomes completed, will be building more soon and 2 houses completed, with 2 under constructions, will be building more soon also. All of these are sold except for one of the towhhomes. Phase 1 I think will have about 30 units and phase 2 another 18 units. So here are some links.

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Mr Lee
I wanted to post this in case anyone is looking for a home, they have both town homes and houses here. After looking at about 15-20 places to buy I found this subdivision and their town homes very nice and the contractor seems to do extra things that you may request when buying a house or town home from them. For us they put in a kitchen exhaust fan above the stove, put 2 towel racks in each of our 3 CR's, put our Aircon units in, added living room curtains for us and put in 3 dead bolts locks in each of our outside doors. I purchased the dead bolt locks, the aircons were ours, but for the rest of the items they purchased and installed them all FREE...all this was at no charge.:yes:They are doing phase 1 now with 4 townhomes completed, will be building more soon and 2 houses completed, with 2 under constructions, will be building more soon also. All of these are sold except for one of the towhhomes. Phase 1 I think will have about 30 units and phase 2 another 18 units. So here are some links.
My wife and I got to Visit the op and his family in their new townhome and it was very nice and the workmanship was excellent IMHO and the woodwork and wood cabinets supplied added a very nice touch to the quality and value of the home. If someone wishes to live out that way, then I would recommend that they at least go look at that subdivision.
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