Dirty Filthy Money

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Mr Lee

Some of the dirtiest money I have ever seen is in circulation in the Philippines, and some of the dirtiest that I have seen in the parts of the Philippines that I have been to, is right here in Cagayan de Oro, so while I would expect the money to be filthy out in the farming provinces, it seems to me that the dirtiest is right here in CDO, and that makes me wonder why? I know most people here probably keep their money in their pockets rather than in a wallet, but why should it be so dirty here in CDO compared to the provinces? Anyone wish to venture a guess or know the answer? Anyone else see extremely dirty money anywhere else in the Philippines? I have not been everywhere within the country, but of the places my wife and I have traveled, CDO money is so darn dirty that I actually wash some of it in our hotel sink with the soap bars provided, and the amount of dirt that comes off the paper money is amazing to me. I washed a p50 note yesterday and it took five going over with the soap and rinsing over and over until the dirty stopped pouring off into the sink. Anyone else ever try washing dirty money? No it does not fall apart, and once you hang it up to dry, then it becomes a hard bill again once clean. Try it, we might just put a dent into all of the filthy money here. I can only imagine all the germs on all that filthy money, sort of might explain why everyone here seems to have colds so often. :unsure:

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I can just see it now,welcome.gif "Lee's Money Laundering Shop" same day service in CDO! mocking.gif

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I can just see it now,welcome.gif "Lee's Money Laundering Shop" same day service in CDO! mocking.gif
Fridays newspaper......Foreigner arrested for money laundering.
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Mr Lee
I can just see it now,welcome.gif "Lee's Money Laundering Shop" same day service in CDO! mocking.gif
Fridays newspaper......Foreigner arrested for money laundering.
I was actually thinking it might be a good business idea, exchange your dirty money for clean money, freshly washed and dried. No more germs, no more dirty hands. Immediate exchange service, only 10% cleaning fee. :unsure: I wonder how many foreigners (suckers) would pay a small fee for clean money? :)
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I remember years back, being in Peru that money bills there actually smelt. awful

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I can just see it now,welcome.gif "Lee's Money Laundering Shop" same day service in CDO! mocking.gif
That is a close answer to Lee's question,why is the money more dirty in CDO. Simple,the people are more law abiding and dont launder their money.Policeman.gif
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Papa Carl
Posted (edited)

You brought this on yourself Lee! You open up so much, and I just had to add my comments.... A whole new meaning to Money Laundering! :thats-funny: I have heard the smell of money makes people go mad!It sounds like you need some help, finding things to do in your life! You actually washed your money?:hystery: That is definitely something Archie Bunker would do, or possibly even my father! :crack-up:This reminds me of something that happened to me back in the UK. When I first went to the UK, I used to think that the Pups were the best places to go, because if you had no money, there were always friends there to buy you a drink, 13_4_10[1].gifpretend to listen to all my calamities, :SugarwareZ-034: and most of all there was always a bowl of peanuts, chips and things on the bar for me to supplement my daily intake of certain food groups. 7_4_17[1].gifThen one day, they were all gone. No more peanuts for Carl, (to be honest I just thought the bar tender was sending me a message that she was getting tired of feeding me daily), but no, in fact, it was illegal to put the bowls of food out for the patrons!Do you know why Lee?It was found to be unwise and unhealthy to touch these morsels of charity!They tested a selection of these foods from different pups and found that 99% was contaminated with ....., Urine!!! :omg: :omg: :omg:See even in a cultured, westernized, clean place like the UK, MEN DON'T WASH AFTER THEY PEE!The Moral of this story Lee.... can you image what you were getting off of all those bills you were cleaning!!!! :714_full_of_crap:Remind me not to shake your hand when we meet!!! Ha Ha, just kidding! I am looking forward to shaking your hand. :1247:Carl

Edited by Kuya Lee
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Mr Lee
You brought this on yourself Lee! You open up so much, and I just had to add my comments.... A whole new meaning to Money Laundering! :thats-funny: I have heard the smell of money makes people go mad!It sounds like you need some help, finding things to do in your life! You actually washed your money?:hystery: That is definitely something Archie Bunker would do, or possibly even my father! :crack-up:This reminds me of something that happened to me back in the UK. When I first went to the UK, I used to think that the Pups were the best places to go, because if you had no money, there were always friends there to buy you a drink, 13_4_10[1].gifpretend to listen to all my calamities, :SugarwareZ-034: and most of all there was always a bowl of peanuts, chips and things on the bar for me to supplement my daily intake of certain food groups. 7_4_17[1].gifThen one day, they were all gone. No more peanuts for Carl, (to be honest I just thought the bar tender was sending me a message that she was getting tired of feeding me daily), but no, in fact, it was illegal to put the bowls of food out for the patrons!Do you know why Lee?It was found to be unwise and unhealthy to touch these morsels of charity!They tested a selection of these foods from different pups and found that 99% was contaminated with ....., Urine!!! :omg: :omg: :omg:See even in a cultured, westernized, clean place like the UK, MEN DON'T WASH AFTER THEY PEE!The Moral of this story Lee.... can you image what you were getting off of all those bills you were cleaning!!!! :714_full_of_crap:Remind me not to shake your hand when we meet!!! Ha Ha, just kidding! I am looking forward to shaking your hand. :1247:Carl
There are lots of disgusting things on money and my being the crazy guy I am, I am just doing my part to make sure those things go down the drain and not onto my hands or others hands, so I use one of the hotel soap bar and wash the bills with that and then clean my hands with a different bar of soap, and I will toss that one in the garbage once all my filthy dirty bills have been cleaned. Lately while in CDO, there was no soap left to throw out. ohmy.gif Maybe I am totally nuts :omg: but it bothers me to hand a filthy dirty bill to a waiter to pay my check, knowing that they handle my food, or to leave one for the maid for cleaning the room and giving us extra special attention (such as extra towels), while knowing her hands change my sheets and touch my towels. Yup I am a nut, but dirty money and the thought of who will touch it and then touch things that might make us sick, troubles me. I guess I should change my forum name to Archie Bunker. biggrin.gif
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Papa Carl

No Lee, you are great the way you are. It takes all kinds to make the world what it is, and I for one need you humour and wisdom just as it is! No offense intended, and all taken in good light with humour and enjoyment.In fact I understand your position very well and have often thought of exactly the same sort of things, while at a restaurant etc.Thanks again for your post and your response.Carl

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Mr Lee
No Lee, you are great the way you are. It takes all kinds to make the world what it is, and I for one need you humour and wisdom just as it is! No offense intended, and all taken in good light with humour and enjoyment.In fact I understand your position very well and have often thought of exactly the same sort of things, while at a restaurant etc.Thanks again for your post and your response.Carl
No offense taken. thumbsup.gif Thanks for the kind words, I am enjoying reading your posts, keep up the great work, and I hope you find real work soon, but stick around once you do.Maybe this one would be more fitting for me. lolpost-40-0-04675000-1304429051_thumb.jpgYet Archie would fit, the only problem being that he was a lot smarter than I am. :SugarwareZ-034: grouphugg.gifpost-40-0-20339700-1304429121_thumb.png
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