Griffiths' Friends To Give P100,000

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Mr Lee

Interesting new twist to this story. If he and Ms Santos are not guilty, :mocking: then maybe this might bring some tips out of the woodwork, now if someone would offer an equal reward for information which could bring forward anyone who has proof that they were in the child porn business during the time of Ellah Joys death, and confirming their actual whereabouts when the crime was committed, then maybe they can finally hook them, or clear them and get onto who actually did it. My guess is that it will accomplish nothing and instead just cause more false people to come forward in hopes of getting a piece of that reward. CEBU, Philippines - Friends of British national Ian Charles Griffiths, who is one of two suspects in the kidnapping and death of a six-year-old girl, have raised funds to be given as reward to whoever can provide information that would lead to the arrest of the “true culprits” of the crime.

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Dave Hounddriver

Good idea. For 100K pesos there is a chance that someone will come forward and admit they did it. Especially if they can make a deal for small prison time. Then everyone will 'save face' and it will all be over.

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The amount Griffiths' "friends" have donated - P101,680.92, to be pedantically exact - to encourage witnesses to come forward on Griffiths' and Santos' behalf - to identify the true killers - is small compared to the total reward monies currently on offer. Right at the start of the investigation, Minglanilla Town Councll put-up P100,000 and that amount was matched by an anonymous businessman. Then lawyer and Sun Star columnist Frank Malilong raised some P210,000 - P200,000 of which is to be used as a reward and the balance given to the Pique family. Just prior to Griffiths and Santos being investigated, the Governor, Gwen Garcia, said that the Capitol would donate an undisclosed "substantial amount" and, on July 15, there was a press report than another anonymous benefactor was contributing a further P100,000 to the reward "pot". That's in excess of P500,000. Add to that the Provincial Police's reward for Santos' capture - P50,000 - and Griffiths' almost P102,000 and the amount starts to look a bit obscene. But Cebu City is not joining-in the rewards "war": its Mayor, Michael Rama, has stated that this case should be solved by good, solid police work, not by the giving of big rewards. Witnesses who testify against Griffiths and Santos - and there are currently 12, I believe, two of whom are a married couple - stand to share P500,000+ between them whilst witnesses who come forward and testify against a new set of suspects will share at least P600,000. Big incentives either way. But is justice served? Mark

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