Any Suggestions How To Save The Philippine Economy?

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The one saving grace is, that for the most part Filipinos are a happy people and usually accept their status in life, but no one is willing to let their family starve and that is when things will get very bad IMHO.
Strange this should come out in the paper after I said something close to it, just the other day. 'Filipinos won't lose cool during recession'Filipinos are resilient, a trait that may prevent them from turning violent because of joblessness and eventually help them survive the global economic crisis, a business leader said Friday.
As a business leader I guess he would hope that - he can drive around in his big SUV without a brick through the window, lolIMO what the Filipinos need to do is loose their cool, however that won't be good for us expats as we'll be a target as well.It is only by people showing they are pissed off do things change in the west and it may even work here.
People in the Philippines are 'managed' to have low expectations and are encouraged to believe that what they get is to be thankful for. That when things are bad its because of foreigners and when things are good its because of local ingenuity of the politicians and their cronies. All in all, a vicious circle that needs to be broken up. Not just the Philippines but every failing state in the world has this mindset in common.Local solutions are needed for the national problem. As foreigners we can do a lot of 'behind the scenes' low profile work and many of us do. I Suggest we keep it that way as our best and most important contribution and let the Filipino sort out what is a home made problem requiring home made solutions. I hope that enough Filipinos have the courage to see the solutions and the bravery to do something about it, both will be needed in very large measures.Remember, it does not take much for some jealous fool to cite that we foreigners are interfering in purely domestic political matters to cause a lot of problems and there are a lot of fools out there. Keep doing the good stuff in low profile. Edited by mike
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