Condo Construction Issues

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Mr Lee
I noticed too that your surrounding area still has squatter homes, but I'm sure the developers will try to buy them out to improve the areas around your condo to attract more investors! Where we live, it's the norm for developers to buy out squatters in order to improve the over all view of prime areas in order to attract home builders and eliminating the eye sore which in turn increases property value and which will also influence builders to use better materials and workmanship in the construction of other condominium or home building projects in the future!
Very few homes behind us are squatters or hut type homes, maybe a handful, and the couple in the photos are quite a distance away since the photos were taken from up high. I also believe those photos are a few years old, so there are even less back there now and almost all the homes back there are tin roof but fairly large concrete homes.
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We have had almost identical issues with our builders, although in a house rather than a condo. All through the construction they were fairly good, until it came to the finishing, which, was rushed, of low quality workmanship and just generally poor. When quizzing the workers it turned out the contractor was paying skilled workers the same as general laborers, and getting the laborers to do what only skilled workers should have been doing. As the structural part of the project was done, they had pulled their foreman out to go to another project. You really gotta stay on top of them!

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