A Letter To The Us State Dept

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At the risk of sounding argumentative, the US has rather a reputation for being aware of what's going on in other sovereign states and intervening when it suits it! On a more serious note, the US is a major investor and aid-donor to the Philippines and therefore should be aware of how its money is being spent. As a US tax-payer, I'm sure you'd agree with that. Why should the Philippine President visit the slums of Detroit? As far as I know, the Philippines does not donate millions of Pesos-worth of aid to the American people.Mark
I cut myself off in my prior post to avoid ranting on about US politcis, I tend to get carried away. I'll try to contain myself...I agree with you 100% about the well-earned reputation of the US. I'd really like to see that behavior changed, and the new administration is talking like they plan to do just that. We'll see if they can restrain themselves. Knowing it all is one of the biggest burdens Americans have to live with. :23_11_60[2]: I would really like to see US foreign and humanitarian aid scaled back significantly. That money could be put to better use investing in the US economy and infrastructure. Besides, many of the countries the US provides aid to, like the Philippines, only stop pissing on the US long enough to take the money. I'm sure they'll be relieved not to have to take money from the USA boogeyman anymore.
With regard to the US giving money away, it does not, it merely prints a load more. It would be giving it away if it could balances it's accounts but cannot and never will.However, I agree that foreign aid should only be given to countries that can show responsibility to it's people. Therefore I would not give one penny to the Philippines until the people of the Philippines can show they know how to elect a responsible government.While there is a form of corruption in all walks of life and in every country, in strong democracies it should lead to a better life for the people as a whole. In the Philippines it only leads to the large families having a better life and the people staying the same, poor. Thus, no aid, show some backbone and fight for your rights.
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John, I

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