Man Jailed, Accused Of Sex With His 16-year-old Wife

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Can I get this straight, the 2nd amendment:-"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."is so that the people can overthow the government? Somehow I think the National Guard, FBI, CIA, Army, USAF etc may disagree, lolBut I agree than bunging a bloke in prison (cost $29,000 for living with his commonlaw, in Puerto Rico anyway, wife is a waste of time and money. Deport the buggers. No wonder the US has the largest pro rata prison population and no doubt the husbandless wife will get support from the state - doh!
You cannot deport them because Puerto Rico is part of the US.
Nope, it's a is a self-governing unincorporated territory of the United States. So if you let them in you accept their law. So he's locked up illegally. Or, the law of Puerto Rico is illegal and you lock up PR's there if they break the US law. As ever a US cockup - sorry but how elsr can this be right?
PS I didn't post about a Puerto Rican in the US on a Philippines site, lol
Yeah, I was wondering how the OP was relevant too.
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Because Puerto Rico is an Island and the Philippines are islands and Florida is in the tropics and the Philippines is tropical and Florida doesn't recognize common law marrage and neither does the Philippines. See ties right in. :huh: :rolleyes:

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Mr Lee
Posted (edited)

The title of this thread if you will scroll back to the top is " Man Jailed, Accused Of Sex With His 16-year-old Wife, When the law goes totally wrong"This has nothing to do with the Philippines except on an age related discussion and when laws seem to go wrong. Sort of like all the sexpats that come to the Philippines for the young girls here and how many of the laws here seem to go wrong. Also since sex is legal with 14 year olds in PR, maybe some of the sexpats should head out that way instead of the PI. 2245_safe.gif :rolleyes: :th_exactly:

Edited by Mr. Lee
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Because Puerto Rico is an Island and the Philippines are islands and Florida is in the tropics and the Philippines is tropical and Florida doesn't recognize common law marrage and neither does the Philippines. See ties right in. :huh: :rolleyes:
That's a tenuous connection even by your standards, Tom. Well at least you didn't also mention that they're all overrun by a breed of mammal better known as "man"! :lol: :th_exactly:
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Government is supposed to protect the people. Who will protect us from the government?
When I wrote the above post I was not thinking of the 2nd Amendment or arming ourselves or anything relating to firearms at all. I was only thinking about how governments have arrogantly assumed so much control over our personal lives. The police need to focus on those who are a real danger to society like murderers and rapists. The governments have abandoned reason and have embraced lunacy and tyranny. "I'm tired of living in a police state." - L. Neil Smith
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