Are You Really Happy

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Mike S

Well as usual I'm going to make many unhappy ... but then that is my nature ...... hahahahahha First off the Philippines doesn't owe me a thing ...... nada ...... zilch sh*t .......... why should they ..... I am here at my choice because I can live more cheaply here than back in the states ..... they didn't ask me to come here so why do they owe me anything ...... should they be thankful for my spending my retirement here ..... why .... back in the States no-one came up to me and thanked be for spending almost 3 times what I make now ...... all I remember was being told I needed to send in more tax money so I could feed ... cloth and make a living for those sorry pieces of sh*t that were to lazy to find or get jobs and support themselves ....... that doesn't happen here ...... no such thing as government had outs ..... The people hate foreigners ..... well folks we are living in a third world country with lots and lots of poverty ..... don't think for one minute that if you .... with your $300 suites and Rolex watches and driving your Jaguars move into a run down slum or ghetto back in the good ol' USA that the people there would welcome you with open arms and dinner invitations ..... which by the way they just might here ...... nope you would have your throat cut and all your prized possessions stolen and sold ....... I spend more in 3 months here than the average Filipino makes in a whole year ...... but yet I find that if I smile and speak to the average Filipino on the street I will receive like in return ........ which I might add is far more than I will get from foreigners I meet in the malls or on the street ...... who will ignore you like you have the plague ........... but then you .... that know me ..... know it doesn't bother me at all ...... in fact I think it is funny and many times try and force them to acknowledge me .......... hahahahaha ..... The only ones that I perceive as hating us are the ones that fear loosing power or status ...... they may fear that we could cause hate and discontent among the average Filipino if we try to enlighten them as to the wrongs being committed against them ....... who knows Now as to me .... I love it here and would not change my life by moving else where ...... is it perfect ....... h*ll no ..... but my life in the US was a lot worse ...... always had to constantly watch what I said or did at work for fear of loosing my job or even arrested because of expressing myself in any manner that could be construed as being politically incorrect (a nice way of saying it) ....... or in fear of being sued .... and I don't mean 50,000 or 100,000p ... I mean $100,00 to $500,000 for anything that could cause actual or fabricated injury to someone .... property ..... animal or what have you ...... and before anyone screams ... "but you are a rich kano and will be sued for everything" ...... please give your own experiences first ....... not Uncle Harry or Aunt Jane's experiences ....... you will also be sued in the US for auto accidents and person injury but at a ten fold cost ...... Well guess that's about all for now .... I'm sure I can think of more later ...... like how long should a people feel grateful for something that took place over 60 years ago ...... do we ...... nawwwww ... don't think so ...... All in IMHO .......... hahahahaha ........

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Well said!! :AddEmoticons04230:

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Personally I don't think anyone hates us here. Resent perhaps. In a racial sense I find it no different living here than anywhere else, if you are an alien the locals will not love you but they will suffer you if you contribute to the economy of the community.The only problem here is the level of official corruption in the sense that it grates on my mind. It doesn't affect me much but I'm sure it would drive me away if I ran a business.I could be happy anywhere and if it does get worse here and aliens are targetted I shall leave. It would be hard on my SO to leave her family but likewise, Filipinos are used to having to make great sacrifices for the family so it wouldn't be the end of the world.In the meantime I shall enjoy the freedom I have here to live in peace, be welcomed everywhere I go and be close to the rest of Asia where I love to be.

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