Our Children's Health

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Call me bubba
Posted (edited)

many past topics has always been about us the expat or our spouses/gf/partners

 a few have been about "finding the right school"for our children


Yet Nothing about our CHILDRENS health.


 I open this topic w/a link to 

1. a baby site that can help those who are parents or soon TO be so you/I/we can know what

to expect or be prepared for in our babies/childs development



the usa site   http://www.babycenter.com/


the UK site  http://www.babycentre.co.uk/


http://www.babycenter.com.au/ the Australia  site

I post all 3 as each has some differences due to cultural or local customs


2, a Kids health site . which after MUCH review has some good info,

i have tried to find Philippine sites yet nothing worth posting. who knows 1 of our "net searchers"may find something that I missed or failed to find.


kidshealth.org is the site








why have I now open a topic on this..


seems that 1 of our members child has Dengue and after looking thru the forum, basically nothing

for our children


If you have other info or comments regarding childrens health or issues that affect them here

PLEASE post or share


Edited by Pittman apartments Sgn
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Children's healthcare is not too difficult for the majority of us. There are some with chronic issues and some genetic issues. But for most, as evidenced by the fact that we made it to adulthood and there are millions upon millions of Pinoys who also made it to adulthood under questionable conditions, while the road can be a bit bumpy, we mostly make it.


Since this post is more about 'our kids' than those of the general population in the Philippines, our views (your views) are colored by your own past experiences and the experiences of your friends and family. Once you set aside accidents, you can make a loose plan, a plan that is fluid and adaptable to the situation. If you or a family member had a bad health scare, then you tend to be more aware on that issue.


I refused all childhood vaccinations for my kids until 1 yr of age. This is to allow their brains to develop as scheduled without any added issues of chemicals. But one past 1 yr, they were brought up to date. Since I delivered them, it was easy for me to control the situation.


The key is to NOT become obsessed. All kids hit bumps. Sometimes fatal. So try to eliminate or at least reduce the obvious issues and then allow your kid to be a kid! On the more extreme levels, if you go to my website listed below (developed and hosted and maintained by His Lordship Sir Tom the 1st, thank you again) and read about the (on bottom of home page) STUNTED GIRL, you can see what happens if you do not get a proper diet at the correct time in a young child. Standard large belly, a lot shorter than the expected height for a child her age and a slow intellect / interaction with others. All because he squatter parents spend their money on drinking and gambling instead of MEAT and VEGETABLES.  


If you look around the site, you will see a video of a woman breast feeding a baby taken a couple years ago. That is the little girl and her mother. When I took those pictures her breasts were dry. So there was no nutrition. I did buy food for them but when I left the Philippines, it was back to usual. The whole family eats nothing but rice and fish. Vegetables are costly (for them) So mom did not get proper nutrition when she was breast feeding, and then baby started out on a rice and fish diet too as the breast dried up and my store bought baby food ran out. The result at 33 months is a stunted child. It is not reversible.


Now the idea here is a varied diet. No one expects you to take a graduate level course on nutrition. A varied diet is not too difficult. A lot revolves around common sense. While some of our adult members consume mass quantities of beer, and yes beer is made from Hopps and other grains, it is not really a good food group (JAKE!)


Childrens health is also extended to brushing the teeth 2 or more times a day! For more information on the importance of dental health, ask our Brit members :541:.


Common sense, vaccinations, varied diets, and regular attention to growth issues screening (scoliosis) and early medical attention of fevers over 101 or vomiting for more than 24 hours / not eating, wounds and the like are a good step into getting your kid into adulthood.         

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Posted (edited)

A fabulous food that grows everywhere in the Philippines is the Moringay tree or Malunggay in the Phils, Its leaves are full of goodness and strangely enough if dried they increase their goodness, some people cook them but that kills a lot of the goodness. Steep them in cold or warm water to make a healthy tea. A shame that noone teaches the poor about it.

Edited by Curley
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Posted (edited)

A fabulous food that grows everywhere in the Philippines is the Moringay tree or Malunggay in the Phils, Its leaves are full of goodness and strangely enough if dried they increase their goodness, some people cook them but that kills a lot of the goodness. Steep them in cold or warm water to make a healthy tea. A shame that noone teaches the poor about it.


Yeah... and for aches and pains (and now heart health) you can go out in the woods, find a willow tree, strip the bark off to chew to get some of the impure base form of salicin, and in the mean time get arrested for trespassing, bit by a dog, chased by a bear, get poison ivy, cited for destruction of the tree and maybe even bee stung and other calamities.


OR now this is the important part...... so PAY ATTENTION!


Or simply take some aspirin! :tiphat:

Edited by Bruce
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The benefits of the malunggay plant are well known to all levels of Philippine society.

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I keep reading farm blogs that you should plant guyabano (soursop) because it is 10,000 times more powerful than chemo for cancer treatment. Has there been any actual research on this? What is the protocol? Eat it raw? Blend it as a juice with 10 teaspoons of sugar and drink? Or take it in pill form prepared by a home kitchen manufacturer? The reason for asking is guyabano is mentioned as cure all for what ails children in the Philippines. 

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S E R I O U S L Y... think long and hard before to buy or invest in any alternative medical products or medicines. Almost all have the same theme of it being an open secret, or the drug companies try to hide it because they can not make any money off it or it is always someone on the internet or a friend of a friend's cousin's college room mate's brother-in-law who was cured.  


The Philippines has people dying by the minute in the hospitals who would be 'living proof' if these meds worked. There is no shortage of witch docs who are supposed to have access to all this alternative medicines and their patients are still sick or dying.


If it really was 'this easy' as taking a simple pill made of some plant to cure cancer... then there would be no cancer.


Remember the common cold? There is no cure in medicine or in alternative medicine. Other than Keith Richards saying he never had a cold in 30 years as a heroin addict.... therefore in his logic, to avoid the common cold, become a heroin addict....  

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It's not what I believe. It's what others believe and are willing to pay for.


My medical doctor sold me on taking fish oil supplements. Now I find out I am going to die! Well, not quite. Studies indicate it increases my risk for prostate cancer. So, should I throw away that huge bottle of Omega fish oil or take the pills and wait for the research that says I will soon grow fish scales? 

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The benefits of the malunggay plant are well known to all levels of Philippine society.


Then why on earth is it not used by the very poor?

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Call me bubba
Commom sense,

vaccinations, varied diets, and regular attention to growth issues screening (scoliosis)

and early medical attention of fevers over 101

or vomiting for more than 24 hours / not eating, wounds and the like are a good step into getting your kid into adulthood.


being proactive in our childs health than waiting......

hand washing, not walking around w/no shoes or slippers. the ground is covered w/such XXXX


Thanks Bruce for helping the topic getting to a good ROLL...


any other members who have children have suggestions or thoughts .

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